We are still out of hot water - I have been wishing I could enjoy a hot bath when the taps were broken, and now I am so looking forward to the luxury of a hot shower in our home. Thankfully, we are going to my Man's Mum's home every morning, and I am very Grateful to have a hot shower.
The benefit of not having hot water is that it means I have to get out of bed a lot earlier - so I have much more time in the morning. I talk to my Mum and my Mum tells me that if anything happens to her, that if it is sudden, that she doesn't want me to be sad - to just look after my Dad and my Brother and have a happy life with my Man. I fight back the tears and tell my Mum that this is just another small hurdle to get over, that she is too young - that I want her to see my children. My Mum says that if anything happens to her that she will be looking down from heaven at me and my children. I get off the phone and I cry.
The benefit of not having hot water is that it means I have to get out of bed a lot earlier - so I have much more time in the morning. I talk to my Mum and my Mum tells me that if anything happens to her, that if it is sudden, that she doesn't want me to be sad - to just look after my Dad and my Brother and have a happy life with my Man. I fight back the tears and tell my Mum that this is just another small hurdle to get over, that she is too young - that I want her to see my children. My Mum says that if anything happens to her that she will be looking down from heaven at me and my children. I get off the phone and I cry.
It is one of my close friend's birthdays today and I am so happy that we are able to enjoy an extra long phone Conversation - just to catch up and chat and enjoy Connection. I love that we can talk so openly, we have a true and real friendship. I was telling my friend that I was using the Law Of Attraction, with images of my Mum and my children. My friend offers a helpful, meaningful suggestion, offering me the idea that this is good for me, if I find it helpful, and that I can just allow my Mum to feel whatever she wants to feel and support my Mum as best as she chooses. I have been studying Counselling and Coaching and I "should" know all of this - just holding space, being with what is - and yet this is my Mum - I want us all to do all we can. And yet, I just have to trust my Mum and allow and accept. And for now I can enjoy every day I have with my Mum, every phone call, every visit, everything about my Mum that I love.
My Mum wants me to continue with my life and live my life. Even yesterday, I was feeling sad and fragile, after a worrying and dark night, and yet I know that I have a choice - I choose life, and I am Inspired by my Mum's Strength. I will never forget when my Mum once said to me the following words -
"You can kick and scream and say 'Why me?', and yet that won't make a difference, so you just have to do it."
And so today I go out into the world and continue to take steps towards my Goals. I have been working at bringing my Yin and Yang into their maturity, a strong love affair - where I am able to use my own Strengths and Resources, my Left and Right Side of the Brain, the two parts of me. With my Yin and Yang in union, I am able to rely on myself to take powerful action towards my dreams.
After getting in touch with my Intuitive and Emotional Yin part of me over the weekend, I made a decision yesterday that I would let go of my permanent room booking. My Logical, Analytical and Ordered Yang has been working hard for me - writing a list of what I do want for my Coaching space and what is important to me - and taking action by writing emails where there may be rooms available. I am very Grateful when I go to the Physio this morning and it is agreed with the two owners that I can work for space at their Clinic, that I only have to pay when I book a Client and that there is flexibility in terms of days. I love the Physio, as it is dynamic and energetic and I feel an aliveness - I bounce in and I feel myself.
I was worried about advising the Bookstore that I would no longer be booking a permanent room on a Friday. I thought about putting it off until tomorrow, and yet I knew that I had to go today - as Honesty is one of my Values, a guiding principle in my life. Every Day Is Precious and I have a sense that I need to have this Conversation today, rather than bring this energy into tomorrow. As I was walking towards the Bookstore, I realised that I was in a Emotional Yin space and then my Intuitive Yin realised that I needed to call on Yang - to take the time to sit and have a cup of tea, and write some points for my Conversation - so that my words would be Logical and Ordered as well as Passionate and Emotional - Head and Heart. I have a sense of my Goddess in Power and definitely an image of my Richard Gere Businessman - drawing on these images to give me Strength and overcome my fear.
I sit in the coffee shop and write some points that are important for me to communicate. I write out the points and as I am a Visual person I draw an image of each point to help me remember to say everything that is important to me - this is helpful - drawing on Imagination of Yin and Order of Yang. I meet with the Manager and tell her of my decision, also thanking her and letting her know that she has been very lovely and supportive. I am honest and explain that I am looking for more flexibility where I can just book rooms by the hour for each Client and offer more flexibility in terms of different days and times. I explain that I am looking for a room that offers more natural lighting. I offer that I do not want to close the door as I believe there may be other opportunities, particularly for Group Coaching. I also tell her about my Mum - I tell her that this is not the reason, as I will continue to focus on my Business, and yet it will be important to have more space available in my life.
I sit in the coffee shop and write some points that are important for me to communicate. I write out the points and as I am a Visual person I draw an image of each point to help me remember to say everything that is important to me - this is helpful - drawing on Imagination of Yin and Order of Yang. I meet with the Manager and tell her of my decision, also thanking her and letting her know that she has been very lovely and supportive. I am honest and explain that I am looking for more flexibility where I can just book rooms by the hour for each Client and offer more flexibility in terms of different days and times. I explain that I am looking for a room that offers more natural lighting. I offer that I do not want to close the door as I believe there may be other opportunities, particularly for Group Coaching. I also tell her about my Mum - I tell her that this is not the reason, as I will continue to focus on my Business, and yet it will be important to have more space available in my life.
Tonight I am feeling a sense of relief that I do not have a room booked on a certain day every week, where I had a feeling that I was just setting up my room and sitting there waiting for Clients - now I can be more active in promoting my Coaching Business, allowing Space for my Mum, and Space for Spontaneity (I say this to my friend today and she loves this 'Space for Spontaneity' - my friend encourages me to run a Workshop on this topic).
I feel happy that with Self-Confidence I ring a Prospective Client, and email my Client Form. I feel my Yin and Yang are working together - I am following the Intuition of Yin and yet Yang is becoming a powerful force in terms of Strength and Confidence and using my Business Skills and taking ACTION.
I am also happy that I was talking to the Owner of a local cafe today, and with Confidence and Convinction I asked if I could run a Promotion. We had a quick Brainstorm and she is more than happy for me to put together a draft of the idea and if she gains approval from Head of the Franchise, then she will happily give out the Competition Entry with every coffee. I am Excited! This idea was not part of a Marketing Plan - I loved that the idea just came to me and I seized the moment and asked about the possibility. I love my Yin and Yang - by being Consciously Aware of these two parts of me, I am able to bring out the best in me in bringing my dreams to life.
While I was in the coffee shop, there were a precious few minutes where I was Witness to a beautiful interaction of a down syndrome young woman and another young woman who has a mental and physical disability. Their carer was in line waiting for a beverage and I was just watching the friendship and joy and laughter and love between these two young women, where the down syndrome young woman was hugging the other woman in the wheelchair and they were laughing and having what appeared to be a great time. And then seeing the interaction of the carer with these two young women, she was also amazing. Wow, Life Is Precious! Every Day Is Precious.
Every day with my Mum is Precious. When I write these words, I have a sense of a stillness, definitely a sadness, definitely an Awareness that I do not know what the future holds.
And I am Committed to being True and Authentic and making the best of every day. I am Grateful for my every day. I am going to try my very best to not worry about the future or worry about what might happen - this worrying takes my energy away from the Joy of life right now, the potential for Joy. Every Day Is Precious, and I am going to be present and treasure every beautiful moment, especially every moment with my Mum. We do not know what the future holds or what is around the corner - and yet we have NOW, right NOW, right NOW today, right NOW in this moment.
My Man must have read my thoughts... he just came over and gave me a big kiss...
Every day with my Mum is Precious. When I write these words, I have a sense of a stillness, definitely a sadness, definitely an Awareness that I do not know what the future holds.
And I am Committed to being True and Authentic and making the best of every day. I am Grateful for my every day. I am going to try my very best to not worry about the future or worry about what might happen - this worrying takes my energy away from the Joy of life right now, the potential for Joy. Every Day Is Precious, and I am going to be present and treasure every beautiful moment, especially every moment with my Mum. We do not know what the future holds or what is around the corner - and yet we have NOW, right NOW, right NOW today, right NOW in this moment.
My Man must have read my thoughts... he just came over and gave me a big kiss...
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