Today I have so many concerns and worries. I am worried about my Mum's health. I am worried about my Dad. I am worried about my Brother. I am worried and I am upset.
My day starts off well. I wake up earlier than normal (even after pressing the snooze button a few times), seeing my Values on the wall and I choose Health and Nature as my Priorities. I just love being Outdoors. I love Walking and taking the time to enjoy the beautiful world around me. I eat healthy all day - huge salad sandwich for lunch - and healthy pasta dish for dinner. I love being healthy.
And while I am doing everything I can do to look after myself today, Self-Care, there are clouds above me and shadows around me, a quiet sadness. I have been Conscious about getting in touch with my Yin and using the Strength and Confidence in my communication. And so I decide to bring my Yang into power in my personal life - communicating to my Family what matters to me, what matters to our Family. This afternoon I make my Family a Priority. I leave work early to do everything I can to help with some difficult situations.
I realise today that I can only work Within My Power - I can only do what I can do. And so I speak to my Mum and Dad and my Brother and Sister-In-Law and I do everything I can, Within My Power, to help improve this situation.
I have been talking a lot, even in my Coaching - about working within one's Sphere of Control. Tonight I refer to 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' by Stephen Covey, one of my favourite books - he talks about the Circle of Influence and the Circle of Concern. I like what he writes -
"Proactive people focus their efforts in the Circle of Influence. They work on the things they can do something about. The nature of their energy is positive, enlarging and magnifying, causing their Circle of Influence to increase. Reactive people, on the other hand, focus their efforts in the Circle of Concern. They focus on the weakness of other people, the problems in the environment, and circumstances over which they have no control. Their focus results in blaming and accusing attitudes, reactive language, and increased feelings of victimisation. The negative energy generated by that focus, combined with neglect in areas they could do something about, causes their Circle of Influence to shrink."
I love that Coaching helps people develop an Internal Focus for Change - "Developing an Internal Focus means enabling the Client to make a transition from seeing the source and solution of a problem in others, or the situation, to within themselves. Rather than externalising their problem the Client begins to recognise their own Choices about the way they think, feel and act or react. These choices effect the Client's experience of, and relationship to, the issue or problem."
After referring to Stephen Covey's book and my College notes, I realise that I cannot lose sleep tonight, I cannot keep talking over and over to my Man about how worried I am - I can speak from my heart and offer my help to my Family - and most importantly I can offer love to my Family. And rather than worrying about what might happen, I can just focus on the Now - focusing my energy, thoughts and emotions within my Circle of Influence - working Within My Power.
As a Life Coach, it is important that I Coach myself, and live by the principles that Make A Difference. Not only is this important - this is my life - I have a Vision to Spread The Yellow - and even though there are times I don't feel Yellow - I still have Choices of how I act, react and think. I am Inspired by the image of my Goddess - I am glad that in being a Visual person I can so easily bring this image to my mind's eye.
Now is the time to be the Goddess.
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