I am someone who very often remembers my Dreams and very often I have been someone who wishes I didn't remember my Dreams. I have found that I often wake up more tired than what I would expect after sleeping 7 or 8 hours. And yet I am recently learning that there could be Gifts In My Dreams.
Recently the Manager from the Bookstore, where I work from their Clinic Rooms, said that not paying attention to Dreams is like not opening a letter. This metaphor makes sense for me. Another friend had recently shared last year that she had been advised that Dreams can give insight into emotions being experienced in our waking world. I also read in 'Soulcraft' that "Dreams are one of the foremost and universal ways the Soul speaks to the ego."
It is very interesting reading about this Inner Work in 'Soulcraft' - "In the subjective approach, we regard every part of the Dream as a part of the Dreamer, part of the Dreamer's psyche. The elements of the Dream are not seen as corresponding to things from the dayworld; rather, we understand the Dream components as representing the Dreamer's sub-personalities, attitudes, feelings, wounds, rejected qualities, and hidden potentials. The I in the Dream represents the ego, the way the Dreamer thinks about himself. The Dream reveals the relationship between the ego and other elements of the psyche. The Dream - and the Dreamwork on it - afford the opportunity to facilitate integration and wholeness within our psyches."
I read on - "Dream researchers have shown that the neurologically normal person has a Dream, remembered or not, every ninety minutes during a regular night's sleep. Every hour and a half, we dip into a stream, a Great Underdream that is always flowing even when we are not having what we normally call 'a Dream'... Each night Dream represents our brief descent into the Great Underdream, a dipping of our toes into the Soulstream, a briefing on one or two points about the deeper life waiting and longing to be lived."
I love everything I read - I love that this is an area of work that can help me hear my Soul, receive the Gifts In My Dreams. 'Soulcraft' suggests that "You might do best to avoid those so-called Dream dictionaries and other books that purport to tell you what a Dream symbol means, as if each Dream element could be extracted from its Dreamworld and have a fixed meaning independent of its relationship with the Dreamer and all other elements of the Dream. Reserve such texts for party entertainment, but, for the gods' and goddesses' sakes, don't consult such books when you want to enter the interior of your Dreams."
I read on - "Dream researchers have shown that the neurologically normal person has a Dream, remembered or not, every ninety minutes during a regular night's sleep. Every hour and a half, we dip into a stream, a Great Underdream that is always flowing even when we are not having what we normally call 'a Dream'... Each night Dream represents our brief descent into the Great Underdream, a dipping of our toes into the Soulstream, a briefing on one or two points about the deeper life waiting and longing to be lived."
I love everything I read - I love that this is an area of work that can help me hear my Soul, receive the Gifts In My Dreams. 'Soulcraft' suggests that "You might do best to avoid those so-called Dream dictionaries and other books that purport to tell you what a Dream symbol means, as if each Dream element could be extracted from its Dreamworld and have a fixed meaning independent of its relationship with the Dreamer and all other elements of the Dream. Reserve such texts for party entertainment, but, for the gods' and goddesses' sakes, don't consult such books when you want to enter the interior of your Dreams."
The last two nights I have had interesting Dreams. The other night there was a story and a drama and yet the underlying feeling for me, if I have to look for the Gifts In My Dreams, is a sense of trusting the unknown and also looking within for my own answers. Then last night for me I have a Dream about an ex-lover and he is trying to reunite for passion, telling me that he wants to take me out to a very expensive restaurant and kept wanting me to give him an answer if I would go or not. It is also interesting as I also remember a scene where I knock something over in a shop and all small stones fall on the ground. And then it takes me to another scene where I am in conversation with this man and he tells me that he is involved with another woman and I say that she is a friend's sister - and I remember being disapproving of his actions. I follow the guidance of 'Soulcraft' and say the Dream out aloud while I am driving to work. I have a sense of not being impressed by wanting to be taken out to an expensive restaurant, that this is not important to me. Perhaps there is a message of rejection, or no longer allowing myself to be rejected as I did not feel concern that this man was involved with someone else. I am trying to work out if these characters represent my Sub-Personalities, Yin or Yang - perhaps there is a message of my Yin no longer feeling rejected. I defininely feel my Dream speaks of my Values of Honesty and Authenticity. In the scene where I knock something over, I have a feeling of not being stressed or worried - that it was just an accident, that I am just human. I am especially happy that I do not feel any Connection or affection for this ex-lover - not even at the level of acquaintance - perhaps this is my Soul's way of communicating to me how much everything has changed - one year ago I would have felt sadness or temptation or a sense of desire - now there is a feeling of no emotion - a neutrality. It is one year ago that I ended this relationship, that I took a stand, knowing that I deserved more - I took back my power. Perhaps this Dream is another message of my Empowered Goddess.
I remember tonight that in my Dream I had a visual of my Brother and Father, just being there for me. I wonder if these represent Sub-Personalities within myself, where I am being reminded that I do not need to always look outside myself for support - that there are different Yang Sub-Personalities that are always there for me.
I love that there is much to learn about Dreams - much to learn about how to work with Dreams - and definitely the opportunity to hear the whispers from my Soul, the Gifts In My Dreams. Rather than go into analysis, there seems a lot of different ways to work with Dreams. As I love Meditation, I love the idea in 'Soulcraft' of "You might journey back into the Dream through your deep imagination. With or without assistance from an imaginery guide, first enter a deep state of relaxation. Then, in your imagination, go back into your Dream and relieve it, lingering as long as you can in that world and experiencing it as fully as possible. Allow that particular Dreamworld to take you where it will. While there, you can also interact with the Dream characters, getting to know them, not trying to change who or what they are."
"Or you might ask their permission to merge with them and be them for a while. You might, as another method, enter into dialogues between two or more Dream characters (including the character that is you, the Dream ego), taking the place of one and then the other. Do this in your imagery, or with your eyes open and body engaged (with or without the help of a Dream guide or friend), or in written dialogues in your Journal. Stay true to the way the characters are in the Dream, their attitudes, desires, feelings, agendas, and personalities. Keep in mind, with a Soulcentric approach to Dreams, that you never want to rewrite the script, to change the action for ego comfort or to give the Dream a 'happy ending'. These methods permit you to get inside the Dream, to crawl into the skin of different Dream characters and discover the conflicts, potentials, and desires - yours - embodied in those beings. You can do this not only with the people in the Dream but also with the Dream's animals, trees, rivers, mountains, clouds, houses, cars, situations, emotions, sounds, speech, and even qualities such as colours or size."
WOW - there is so much to learn about this area of Dreamwork and so many insights I can gain from my own Dreams. I feel Excited and Inspired. I am looking forward to paying more attention to my Dreams, listening to my Soul, accepting and appreciating the Gifts In My Dreams.
I now welcome my Dreams and invite Spirit and my Soul to reveal more to me. I will now take some more time to pay attention to my Dreams - perhaps write details in my Journal - perhaps there is the opportunity to work with my Dreams when meeting with my Coach. I welcome every opportunity for Self-Development and Growth - I welcome every opportunity to be in touch with messages from my Soul... I welcome this guidance to help me on my Journey...
I always welcome guidance to help me on my Journey. This morning while I was out walking, I was guided towards one of the Trees that I love at Gunnamatta Bay. I felt Inspired to put my hand on the heart of the Tree and I instantly had a sense of the words "See life" as I saw a bird in a nearby bush. I then became a bit hesitant when I heard someone walking near me - my Thinker came out - "what would she think, my eyes closed, hand on the Tree" - and then I heard a whisper "Stay still, stay true to you". I also then had a sense of the words "Listen to your inner voice, it is always there". I say "Thank you my friend". I love Trees. As I walk home and I am so cold, I am thinking I am so cold, I hear the words "Feel warmth within" - and when I focus on my core, I feel different, I feel less cold, I have stopped thinking of how cold I am.
I love that there is always so much to learn and enjoy...
I remember tonight that in my Dream I had a visual of my Brother and Father, just being there for me. I wonder if these represent Sub-Personalities within myself, where I am being reminded that I do not need to always look outside myself for support - that there are different Yang Sub-Personalities that are always there for me.
I love that there is much to learn about Dreams - much to learn about how to work with Dreams - and definitely the opportunity to hear the whispers from my Soul, the Gifts In My Dreams. Rather than go into analysis, there seems a lot of different ways to work with Dreams. As I love Meditation, I love the idea in 'Soulcraft' of "You might journey back into the Dream through your deep imagination. With or without assistance from an imaginery guide, first enter a deep state of relaxation. Then, in your imagination, go back into your Dream and relieve it, lingering as long as you can in that world and experiencing it as fully as possible. Allow that particular Dreamworld to take you where it will. While there, you can also interact with the Dream characters, getting to know them, not trying to change who or what they are."
"Or you might ask their permission to merge with them and be them for a while. You might, as another method, enter into dialogues between two or more Dream characters (including the character that is you, the Dream ego), taking the place of one and then the other. Do this in your imagery, or with your eyes open and body engaged (with or without the help of a Dream guide or friend), or in written dialogues in your Journal. Stay true to the way the characters are in the Dream, their attitudes, desires, feelings, agendas, and personalities. Keep in mind, with a Soulcentric approach to Dreams, that you never want to rewrite the script, to change the action for ego comfort or to give the Dream a 'happy ending'. These methods permit you to get inside the Dream, to crawl into the skin of different Dream characters and discover the conflicts, potentials, and desires - yours - embodied in those beings. You can do this not only with the people in the Dream but also with the Dream's animals, trees, rivers, mountains, clouds, houses, cars, situations, emotions, sounds, speech, and even qualities such as colours or size."
WOW - there is so much to learn about this area of Dreamwork and so many insights I can gain from my own Dreams. I feel Excited and Inspired. I am looking forward to paying more attention to my Dreams, listening to my Soul, accepting and appreciating the Gifts In My Dreams.
I now welcome my Dreams and invite Spirit and my Soul to reveal more to me. I will now take some more time to pay attention to my Dreams - perhaps write details in my Journal - perhaps there is the opportunity to work with my Dreams when meeting with my Coach. I welcome every opportunity for Self-Development and Growth - I welcome every opportunity to be in touch with messages from my Soul... I welcome this guidance to help me on my Journey...
I always welcome guidance to help me on my Journey. This morning while I was out walking, I was guided towards one of the Trees that I love at Gunnamatta Bay. I felt Inspired to put my hand on the heart of the Tree and I instantly had a sense of the words "See life" as I saw a bird in a nearby bush. I then became a bit hesitant when I heard someone walking near me - my Thinker came out - "what would she think, my eyes closed, hand on the Tree" - and then I heard a whisper "Stay still, stay true to you". I also then had a sense of the words "Listen to your inner voice, it is always there". I say "Thank you my friend". I love Trees. As I walk home and I am so cold, I am thinking I am so cold, I hear the words "Feel warmth within" - and when I focus on my core, I feel different, I feel less cold, I have stopped thinking of how cold I am.
I love that there is always so much to learn and enjoy...
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