I have had a wonderful day today. I love just being in the Flow of the day.
I had a wonderful morning meeting with my Client. I LOVE BEING A COACH. It is such an Honour to sit with a Client and witness Courage, Beauty and Transformation. I only have one Appointment today and one Client at the moment and yet I am so happy that I am now Coaching and trust that my Business will continue to build and there will be a natural flow of Clients.
I am Grateful for having Space in my day to allow for the magic and mystery and just trusting the flow and following my Intuition. And it is in this flow that I can enjoy Connection with others.
I love seeing my friend at her Physio Clinic - just to enjoy a brief Connection. And I love seeing my friend and her lovely little baby and I enjoy just sharing Space and sitting together. And I love sharing Conversations with the Manager at the Bookstore where I work - I love hearing her stories and hearing her excitement about her dreams. I love just being in Presence and Connection. Through my Training in Counselling and Coaching I have learnt to listen, to really listen, to be totally Present with another - and I love listening and I love being totally Present with another. It Is A Gift - such a beautiful Gift and Honour to have another share their story, their passions, their dreams, their challenges, their emotions - and It Is A Gift to give someone your Presence.
It Is A Gift to be Present and in the Moment - therein lies the opportunity for other Gifts - such as the Gift of the beautiful Autumn leaves that were just waiting to be noticed on the pavement and that I brought home in awe of their beauty. Very easily I could have been lost in the Overthinker Shadow or in my Imagination, and yet as I was in the NOW, while walking through the mall, these beautiful leaves caught my eye.
I am Grateful that my Man supports my Dreams and he trusts my Journey. I am Grateful that my Man welcomed me into his home which is now our home, and this has always been my Dream - to love and be loved and be in Union. His love and support has also helped me step into my Coaching Business.
And I love being an Observer to my own Journey. Today there are many of my Archetypes that come and go in my day. My tag line for my Business is "Love Your Life" and yet a big part of my work I am drawn to in Coaching is about helping Clients Love Self, Love Life. I feel myself in the Lover Archetype - "The Lover is gentle and reaches out gently to others. Following a loving acceptance of ourselves, we may gently reach out to others, contributing ones unique abilities for the greater good of all. Helps us transform the fear of losing the taste of living, at the superficiality, cruelty and indifference around us. Integrating the personality can help us to find a way forward as true human beings, loving and nurturing one another." I LOVE THESE WORDS and I love that I have a very real sense of Self-Love and a genuine Love of ALL Life and My Life.
I also feel myself in the Creator Archetype today - "Creator - The artist, writer, poet types the maker of Dreams, the inventor that discovers ways of making new things and of unfolding new Dreams. The Creator Sub-Personality will assist you in making your life less stale, more flowing, in conveying your ideas to others, contributing to the collective Dreams of humanity." I love being in my Creator. Today I get an Intuitive Impulse about leading a Self-Development Book Club - it had been an idea I had discussed with the previous owner of the Bookstore, and yet now that I am Coaching from the Clinic at the Bookstore it seems like an opportunity to become more involved in the Community. The Manager at the Bookstore agrees that it is a perfect fit and we Brainstorm and discuss potential books. I am feeling Excited and Inspired. Rather than rushing in and thinking, thinking, thinking, I am just going to sit with the idea for a few days and then I will dedicate some time to think and feel and perhaps enjoy a Meditation to get in touch with the possibilities and then put together some ACTION Steps to make this happen!
When I get home from Coaching with my Client and Conversations with friends, I also Consciously choose my Organiser Yang to come onto the stage of my day. I am happy that my Yang is helping me with new habits to help me to stop leaving my clutter in the spare room or on the dining room table. Even when I am feeling my Yin wanting to be creative and enjoy other Projects, my Organiser keeps me focused to achieve my Goals - even simple things, like putting away my clothes in an organised way in my cupboard or paying bills or making phone calls to organise advertising - my Yang is getting the jobs done for me. Even when I am tired tonight and I just want to relax on the lounge and watch the DVD that I rented, my Yang Organiser keeps me going to wash up and clean up the kitchen. And I feel good - even feeling good at completing the most basic of tasks.
When I get home from Coaching with my Client and Conversations with friends, I also Consciously choose my Organiser Yang to come onto the stage of my day. I am happy that my Yang is helping me with new habits to help me to stop leaving my clutter in the spare room or on the dining room table. Even when I am feeling my Yin wanting to be creative and enjoy other Projects, my Organiser keeps me focused to achieve my Goals - even simple things, like putting away my clothes in an organised way in my cupboard or paying bills or making phone calls to organise advertising - my Yang is getting the jobs done for me. Even when I am tired tonight and I just want to relax on the lounge and watch the DVD that I rented, my Yang Organiser keeps me going to wash up and clean up the kitchen. And I feel good - even feeling good at completing the most basic of tasks.
And now it is time to relax and just enjoy a movie... and what a great Gift to give myself...
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