Body, Thinking, Feeling - I have been considering all of these Aspects within myself. The Process for me has involved an Evening Review for the last two weeks. As offered by my Teacher and Mentor, Self-Reflection is very important -"supporting you to become wholly integral and ethical practitioners".
Once I started looking at these Aspects within myself, it became obvious that I was spending most of my time in my Thinking, in my Head. It was a surprise to me to see how much energy I can waste in being in the Shadow of Overthinker or worrying. And I am very Conscious of not wanting to waste my energy. This is the time for me to get rid of those energy leaks and direct my energy to achieve my Goals and have Space for relaxation and to be in the flow.
The valuable qualities of my Thinking is that it does definitely help me at work. I realise that I have been wasting energy worrying about work and Overthinking if I am in the right job, and yet when I just direct my Thinking to focus on my work and give my best to each Project, I enjoy my day and exceed my Targets.
By being an Observer to myself, I am able to witness myself when I go into Overthinking. To help create change, I am using the word of STOP, which helps me STOP being in my Head - and then I bring myself back to my Body through focusing on my breathe, breathing fully and deeply.
I wonder about my Belief or Assumption that I have been carrying for a long time, possibly all my life. I am not exactly sure - and yet perhaps it has something to do with our Society of rewarding Thinking. I also believe that I have grown up trying to make the most of my time, where if I was driving or walking, this has been an opportunity to Think.
Since training to become a Coach I have enjoyed Meditation and the opportunity to be Present and be in my Body, just being a witness to Thoughts and Feelings, almost as if they are just clouds floating past and I am just sitting in my Body, unattached - and this is when I experience Peace.
I feel that my Logo helps give a Visual to the new way of Being that I am embracing in my life.
In this Logo, My Yellow Heart is my Soul's Home - this is where I am Present. For me My Yellow Heart represents being in my Body. I love just being in my Body, just sitting in Presence - I am relaxed, I am breathing deeply, I am not Thinking or Feeling - I JUST AM. When I am sitting with my Coaching Clients I feel totally in my Body, I am totally Present. When I am in my Body, I can hold a Sacred Space for my Clients. I feel Grounded, Centred and Present.
I love being totally Present when I am with my Nieces. Today I spent time with them in the playground and it is beautiful to just be Present with them and enjoy every beautiful moment. Last night I was also babysitting my Friend's little one - she is an angel - she is 7 months old. I felt totally Present and in my Body and by being in this place I did not feel upset when my Friend's Baby was crying. I was just Present and loved being the babysitter. I especially loved rocking the Baby to sleep, her little body cuddled into me and me singing to her to help her sleep. I love spending time with babies and children and I can't wait until we have own Baby. Today I have started a new Vision Board and for me it is quite simple - having my own Baby is my greatest wish. And I am so Grateful that I have learnt to be in my Body rather than being busy or distracted in Thinking or Feeling.
I feel that by being in my Body, I am then able to make Choices - from my Body, I may be moved into Thinking or into Feeling. In my Business Logo, my Thinking is represented by my Yang, the left-side of the brain, my Masculine part of me and my Feeling is representing on the right-side of the brain, my Yin, my Feminine.
I really like these quotes -
- "Intelligence is present everywhere in our bodies . . . our own inner intelligence is far superior to any we can try to substitute from the outside." Deepak Chopra
- "The body always leads us home . . . if we can simply learn to trust sensation and stay with it long enough for it to reveal appropriate action, movement, insight, or feeling." Pat Ogden
- "In our bodies, in this moment, there live the seed impulses of the change and spiritual growth we seek, and to awaken them we must bring our awareness into the body, into the here and now." Pat Ogden
- "Our own body is the best health system we have--if we know how to listen to it." Christiane Northrup
It is interesting, I have been getting lunch from a cafe for the last few months and very often I am caught in a rush and am still in my Thinking mode. By Consciously bringing myself into my Body, and feeling relaxed when I arrived at the cafe the other day, I was then surprised to feel a sense of stress within my Body - I then realised that this experience of rushing to get a sandwich, rushing back, rushing to eat my sandwich was far from relaxing and while I was waiting for my sandwich to be made I felt so stressed seeing that my vegetarian sandwich was being made with chicken filled tongs. Even after requesting clean tongs my Body sensed the stress of this situation. Yes, this sandwich had appeared such good value to me and then I realised that this is not being made with love and is causing me stress. Time to bring in my Organiser and start taking my lunch to work.
By being in my Body, I can also be Present to what is real for me. And rather than moving into my Thinking, I have been able to sit in my Feelings. I am not sure what I have done in the past - perhaps in my positive, energetic, enthusiastic, half full attitude, I may move away from the depth of my Feelings. And yet now I have been able to be Present to my Emotions, to be Present to what is real for me. The other day I enjoyed a Meditation and was able to get in touch with anger from my past and then an email from a Friend from my past brought up Emotions of rejection and pain. And there were tears and tears. And I was okay. By being with my Emotions I was able to release rather than store the pain - the next day the Emotional charge was no longer Present.
By being in my Body - I feel My Yellow Heart is so open and so often I am just watching a television show or a movie or I hear a story and I feel emotional, my eyes well up in tears. From this place I have so much empathy for others. From this place I have such a strong love of others. I am in Connection.
I thought that there was only two options, that I was either in my Head or my Heart, my Thinking or my Feeling. And now I have learnt to just relax into my Body and let my Body be my guide.
I am also loving that I am now doing Yoga which is helping me become more aware of my Body and I am feeling a greater strength in my Body. As I become stronger in my Body and more in touch with my Body, I am also more Conscious of checking in with my Body Felt Sense.
In my new way of Being, I wish to be in my Body and use my Gifts of Thinking and Feeling to assist me on my Journey. Being an Observer to myself, to my Body, Thinking, Feeling and spending time in Self-Reflection will continue to be important to me. Meditation and Focusing will also help me, and when I do make time for these important Activities, I love the sense of being Present and in my Body.
- "The body always leads us home . . . if we can simply learn to trust sensation and stay with it long enough for it to reveal appropriate action, movement, insight, or feeling." Pat Ogden
- "In our bodies, in this moment, there live the seed impulses of the change and spiritual growth we seek, and to awaken them we must bring our awareness into the body, into the here and now." Pat Ogden
- "Our own body is the best health system we have--if we know how to listen to it." Christiane Northrup
It is interesting, I have been getting lunch from a cafe for the last few months and very often I am caught in a rush and am still in my Thinking mode. By Consciously bringing myself into my Body, and feeling relaxed when I arrived at the cafe the other day, I was then surprised to feel a sense of stress within my Body - I then realised that this experience of rushing to get a sandwich, rushing back, rushing to eat my sandwich was far from relaxing and while I was waiting for my sandwich to be made I felt so stressed seeing that my vegetarian sandwich was being made with chicken filled tongs. Even after requesting clean tongs my Body sensed the stress of this situation. Yes, this sandwich had appeared such good value to me and then I realised that this is not being made with love and is causing me stress. Time to bring in my Organiser and start taking my lunch to work.
By being in my Body, I can also be Present to what is real for me. And rather than moving into my Thinking, I have been able to sit in my Feelings. I am not sure what I have done in the past - perhaps in my positive, energetic, enthusiastic, half full attitude, I may move away from the depth of my Feelings. And yet now I have been able to be Present to my Emotions, to be Present to what is real for me. The other day I enjoyed a Meditation and was able to get in touch with anger from my past and then an email from a Friend from my past brought up Emotions of rejection and pain. And there were tears and tears. And I was okay. By being with my Emotions I was able to release rather than store the pain - the next day the Emotional charge was no longer Present.
By being in my Body - I feel My Yellow Heart is so open and so often I am just watching a television show or a movie or I hear a story and I feel emotional, my eyes well up in tears. From this place I have so much empathy for others. From this place I have such a strong love of others. I am in Connection.
I thought that there was only two options, that I was either in my Head or my Heart, my Thinking or my Feeling. And now I have learnt to just relax into my Body and let my Body be my guide.
I am also loving that I am now doing Yoga which is helping me become more aware of my Body and I am feeling a greater strength in my Body. As I become stronger in my Body and more in touch with my Body, I am also more Conscious of checking in with my Body Felt Sense.
In my new way of Being, I wish to be in my Body and use my Gifts of Thinking and Feeling to assist me on my Journey. Being an Observer to myself, to my Body, Thinking, Feeling and spending time in Self-Reflection will continue to be important to me. Meditation and Focusing will also help me, and when I do make time for these important Activities, I love the sense of being Present and in my Body.
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