'Commitment' is the word that has been coming up for me in the last few days - just the sense of Naming my Commitments and Honouring my Commitments.
Yesterday and today my Organiser Archetype has been in Action, with my To Do Lists, getting things done. And by being in Yang ACTION mode I do feel good about myself, I feel a sense of Achievement. I have been organising my tax, health appointments and an Advertisement for my Coaching Business. I have made a Commitment to get more Organised, so that I feel more Empowered in my Life.
This morning, as I was lying in bed, I had a look at my Values on the wall and Commitment is one of my Values. I love having my Values on my wall - they guide me for my day and for my life.
As I was lying in bed and enjoying lying in bed, I see the words Commitment and Health. I am choosing to Name and Honour my Commitment to my Health. Recently I was shocked to complete a Wheel Of Life Activity and have a sense that my Health is only at a 2 out of 10. I was looking at my Wheel Of Life on 1 July 2010, knowing that I still had 6 months left of 2010, I wanted to put my own Dreams into ACTION. I am SO HAPPY that I am now going to Yoga - I have a Commitment to go to Yoga at least once a week - and I love it. I love the feeling of stretching and strengthening my body, I just love it!!! After Yoga, I was very relaxed sitting at home on the couch and I was very very tempted to have some chocolate - and yet I have made a Commitment to not eat sweets during the week. I am not sure what changed for me, I never used to eat chocolate, sweets, cakes. I am glad that I am more relaxed and yet I need to Balance this with my Commitment to my Best Health.
Thanks to my Commitment to Yoga, the last two Thursday nights I have slept so well, sleeping through the whole night. Getting enough sleep is also important to me.
Thanks to my Commitment to Yoga, the last two Thursday nights I have slept so well, sleeping through the whole night. Getting enough sleep is also important to me.
Nature is also on my list of Values, and while I could have stayed in bed longer, I felt Inspired to get up and go for a walk. By having a Commitment to my Health, it is easy to make a decision to get moving and get active.
As I go for a walk, I see some runners pass me and I always have the same response, a feeling of 'I wish I was Running'. Every time I see a runner or hear a story about Running from a friend, this feeling is always present for me. I love Running. I have tried other activities such as Paddling and love the idea of Swimming - and yet I always come back to my love of Running. And yet I have made a Commitment that starting a family within the next 6-12 months is a Priority for me and so I have decided to just enjoy Walking so that I can be painfree in my back and neck. I know that I will be Running again one day and so for now I enjoy Walking. I love the sense of peace that comes with Walking, especially when I am in Nature.
I love Gunnamatta Park, it is one of my favourite places. My Soul feels at home here. I just love the Trees and the quiet. I love being outdoors, especially at Gunnamatta Park. I feel a sense of Connection with Nature. I love feeling a sense of Connection with Trees. I am drawn to a tall tree and I have a sense of the Tree's Wisdom. I put my hand on the Tree and listen to the whisper of the words that I feel inside of me. I wait. I have a sense of the following words - "Be", "You are here", "You are here!!!", "Follow the signs".
I feel a sense of stillness. These words speak to me. I have a sense that due to the nature of Coaching and the moving forward, I am often looking forward and setting Goals and wanting to take the Next Steps and in hearing these words "You are here" I have a feeling of Relief, Peace, Rejoice, Celebration - "I AM HERE" - WOW!!! I say to myself "Wow, I AM HERE, look where I AM". I have so much to be Grateful for right now - after years and years of being unhappy in my Career and wanting to work with people and be a helper and healer - I AM HERE - I am a Coach now. This is a new Journey and I am still learning and growing and yet I Am Here - I can be happy with where I am right now. Yes, I want to grow my Business and work with more Clients and be more Active in running Workshops and Group Coaching and today I also have a sense of being a Teacher and speaking at Seminars - and these are all possibilities and opportunities. And this will come. And I have reassurance in the words "Follow the signs". I also have a sense of "I AM HERE" in the area of my love relationship - for years and years I have put so much energy into the wrong relationships and this has been my Soul Path and now I AM HERE in a loving relationship - my Man is Home to me - it is a wonderful feeling. I have a strong Commitment to my relationship with my Man.
I love being in Nature. I have a strong sense that I want to do outdoor Coaching that may involve Nature Walking and picnic rug style Coaching as well as Group Coaching at Sunrise and also Sunset. These are just ideas that feel right for me, and my Organiser Archetype has scheduled 2 hours next week to put these and more of my other ideas into writing. I definitely have a Commitment to grow my Coaching Business. I love Coaching and working with Clients. I also have a Commitment to Spread The Yellow in my daily living, in my Coaching and also through my Business.
I also have a Commitment to be in Community and so I enjoy being at the Bookstore today where there are some lovely woman and I love being able to talk about our Spiritual Journeys. I really enjoying sharing time with them and enjoy a sense of Connection. I also enjoyed a Meditation at the Bookstore today, guided by one of the healers. This is the second time I have come to this Mediation Group and I am really enjoying this opportunity.
I always love the opportunity to just connect and relax within. I have a feeling that I am within my Soul's Home, my Yellow Heart, which is a place of Love and Light, and I am just being "Present and Warm To What Is" - it is really nice to just take time for Meditation.
I love the image above and it captures the sense of my Yellow Heart filled with Light and the rays of Light coming from my Heart. And I also have a strong sense in my Meditation of rays of Light coming from the Heavens - from God, the Universe, my Angels.
During the Meditation I have a sense of the words "I Am Here" (again here are these words). And I also have a visual of a Yellow Path, that I will be guided and I just have to "Follow the signs" (these are also the words from my Nature walk this morning). I love the visual of a Yellow pathway and I hear the words "Trust", "Trust".
I have a Commitment to my Soul Purpose to Spread The Yellow and I am asking for Guidance to show me the signs of my Next Steps. I do not want to be so in Yang that I am not in tune with my Yin - I want Spirit to speak to me through my Yin and for my Yin to then direct my Yang.
As I Name and Honour my Commitments of my Health, my Man, my Coaching Business and my Purpose to Spread The Yellow, I believe that this will open up more doors and ways for me. I have a sense that I have to "Be" and "Listen" and "Trust".
I love the following quotes about Commitment -
- “Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.” Tom Robbins
- “There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”
- “Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the "right stuff" to turn our dreams into reality.” James Womack
- "When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible.” - this is how I feel about my Coaching and being in a place of Spread The Yellow - I feel like I am definitely on my Yellow Path, I AM HERE!!! And as I say these words I am Excited and Delighted, I feel a lightness, a brightness - I AM HERE!!! And I have a Commitment to follow my Path, even if it is not always Yellow, even if it takes me through the forest or down into the Valleys, I have a sense that my Light will carry and support me on my Journey...
And this afternoon my Man is doing a cleanup and finds some beautiful Christmas decorations that we bought last November and that we had forgotten to display at Christmas. He brings them out and I love that there is an Angel with a Yellow Heart and also a Golden Butterfly. They are beautiful and have so much meaning for me. I decide to bring them into my everyday, rather than just packing them away for Christmas. I feel the Angel with the Yellow Heart is there to remind me of my Soul Purpose - that my Yellow Heart, at the centre of my being, is filled with Love and Light and is a Gift from God. This is why I am here, to Spread The Yellow, and God, the Universe and Angels are here to support me.
And the Golden Butterfly also speaks to me - the Butterfly is such a strong symbol of Tranformation. As I look at the picture of the Golden Butterfly, the Light has created a Shadow - a reminder to me that Life is Light and Dark, Day and Night, Summer and Winter and a reminder to me that I am also Light and Dark. And as I live in the Light and Upper World, I can make Space to Witness my Shadow and be open to all emotions and open to the messages of my Unconscious... this is my Commitment.
I love being in Nature. I have a strong sense that I want to do outdoor Coaching that may involve Nature Walking and picnic rug style Coaching as well as Group Coaching at Sunrise and also Sunset. These are just ideas that feel right for me, and my Organiser Archetype has scheduled 2 hours next week to put these and more of my other ideas into writing. I definitely have a Commitment to grow my Coaching Business. I love Coaching and working with Clients. I also have a Commitment to Spread The Yellow in my daily living, in my Coaching and also through my Business.
I also have a Commitment to be in Community and so I enjoy being at the Bookstore today where there are some lovely woman and I love being able to talk about our Spiritual Journeys. I really enjoying sharing time with them and enjoy a sense of Connection. I also enjoyed a Meditation at the Bookstore today, guided by one of the healers. This is the second time I have come to this Mediation Group and I am really enjoying this opportunity.
I always love the opportunity to just connect and relax within. I have a feeling that I am within my Soul's Home, my Yellow Heart, which is a place of Love and Light, and I am just being "Present and Warm To What Is" - it is really nice to just take time for Meditation.
I love the image above and it captures the sense of my Yellow Heart filled with Light and the rays of Light coming from my Heart. And I also have a strong sense in my Meditation of rays of Light coming from the Heavens - from God, the Universe, my Angels.
During the Meditation I have a sense of the words "I Am Here" (again here are these words). And I also have a visual of a Yellow Path, that I will be guided and I just have to "Follow the signs" (these are also the words from my Nature walk this morning). I love the visual of a Yellow pathway and I hear the words "Trust", "Trust".
I have a Commitment to my Soul Purpose to Spread The Yellow and I am asking for Guidance to show me the signs of my Next Steps. I do not want to be so in Yang that I am not in tune with my Yin - I want Spirit to speak to me through my Yin and for my Yin to then direct my Yang.
As I Name and Honour my Commitments of my Health, my Man, my Coaching Business and my Purpose to Spread The Yellow, I believe that this will open up more doors and ways for me. I have a sense that I have to "Be" and "Listen" and "Trust".
I love the following quotes about Commitment -
- “Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.” Tom Robbins
- “There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”
- “Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and gives us the "right stuff" to turn our dreams into reality.” James Womack
- "When work, commitment, and pleasure all become one and you reach that deep well where passion lives, nothing is impossible.” - this is how I feel about my Coaching and being in a place of Spread The Yellow - I feel like I am definitely on my Yellow Path, I AM HERE!!! And as I say these words I am Excited and Delighted, I feel a lightness, a brightness - I AM HERE!!! And I have a Commitment to follow my Path, even if it is not always Yellow, even if it takes me through the forest or down into the Valleys, I have a sense that my Light will carry and support me on my Journey...
And this afternoon my Man is doing a cleanup and finds some beautiful Christmas decorations that we bought last November and that we had forgotten to display at Christmas. He brings them out and I love that there is an Angel with a Yellow Heart and also a Golden Butterfly. They are beautiful and have so much meaning for me. I decide to bring them into my everyday, rather than just packing them away for Christmas. I feel the Angel with the Yellow Heart is there to remind me of my Soul Purpose - that my Yellow Heart, at the centre of my being, is filled with Love and Light and is a Gift from God. This is why I am here, to Spread The Yellow, and God, the Universe and Angels are here to support me.
And the Golden Butterfly also speaks to me - the Butterfly is such a strong symbol of Tranformation. As I look at the picture of the Golden Butterfly, the Light has created a Shadow - a reminder to me that Life is Light and Dark, Day and Night, Summer and Winter and a reminder to me that I am also Light and Dark. And as I live in the Light and Upper World, I can make Space to Witness my Shadow and be open to all emotions and open to the messages of my Unconscious... this is my Commitment.
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