I have spent so much time getting to know my Yin Feminine and Yang Masculine and now is the time to get to know my Archetypes (which are a combination of Yin and Yang).
I enjoy looking at this website http://www.herowithin.com/arch101.html which has a lot of great information about Archetypes - "Archetypes provide the deep structure for human motivation and meaning... Twentieth-century psychiatrist C.G. Jung called them 'archetypes'. Building upon Jung's work, Carol S. Pearson has created a system of 12 archetypes that put a human face on the meaning structures that are correlated with success and fulfilment today. Studying Pearson's archetypes can help you:
* Better understand your own journey
* Increase communication between your conscious and unconscious minds
* Trigger a greater sense of meaning and fulfilment in your life
* Inspire and motivate others
* Cope more effectively with difficult people
* Have greater flexibility to respond to the challenges of life
* Be more effective within your family, workplace, and community context."
When I read the above paragraph I feel motivated to learn more and embrace the Archetypes in myself, essentially the Strengths and Resources within me. As part of my own Journey and my College work, I enjoy time in Self-Reflection, where I am especially interested to understand the Archetypes that are showing up for me on a daily basis.
Today was my Niece's 4th Birthday. I love my Nieces, they are a blessing in my life, they bring me so much joy. We had a great day. Time now for My Archetypes Evening Review to see what Archetypes were present for me today. This is a Process recommended by my Coaching Teacher, Mentor, my Coach and I am happy to finally start looking at my Archetypes by using a more Yang Structured Process.
To assist me in this Process I enjoy the details on this great website -
Today was my Niece's 4th Birthday. I love my Nieces, they are a blessing in my life, they bring me so much joy. We had a great day. Time now for My Archetypes Evening Review to see what Archetypes were present for me today. This is a Process recommended by my Coaching Teacher, Mentor, my Coach and I am happy to finally start looking at my Archetypes by using a more Yang Structured Process.
To assist me in this Process I enjoy the details on this great website -
1. Which different Archetypes were predominant at different times during this day? What circumstances (inner or outer) made them emerge or withdraw? Were there any conflicts between them?
- Today I feel that I was in my Regular Gal Archetype "The Regular Guy/Gal/Orphan understands that everyone matters, just as they are. Down-home and unpretentious, it reveals a deep structure influenced by the wounded or ophaned child that expects very little from life, but that teaches us empathy, realism, and street smarts"
- I also felt that I was in the Caregiver Archetype "The Caregiver is an altruist, moved by compassion, generosity, and selflessness to help others. Although prone to martydom and enabling behaviours, the inner Caregiver/Atruist helps us raise our children, aid those in need, and build structures to sustain life and health."
- I felt that I Consciously chose to be in the Regular Gal Archetype and my Caregiver Archetype naturally came in when I was with my Nieces and my Parents.
2. What were the valuable qualities and what were the limitations to the situation of each Archetype or in their proportions? How did each help me or get in my way?
- In the Regular Gal Archetype I felt comfortable and I felt a sense of belonging with my Family, I did not feel any sense of pretense, just a genuine care and interest in everyone
- The limitation was that in blending in with everyone, there was not always the time and opportunity for a sense of Connection
- In the Caregiver Archetype I had a desire to look after my Nieces when they were in my care when we went to the Park and I also had concern for my Dad
- The challenge for me of the Caregiver in me is that I need to respect that my Nieces are not my children and that I have to trust my Mum and Dad in their own decisions - I can offer care and then I can move away and continue on my own path
3. What did each want to contribute? What would it like my life to be if it could contribute to its highest level?
- I like what I read about the Regular Gal and Caregiver Archetypes that rings true for me
- "The Regular Guy / Gal wants to fit in. By developing ordinary, solid virtues and avoiding any form of pretense or pomposity, the Regular Guy / Gal achieves a sense of belonging in his or her chosen environment. The Regular Guy / Gal archetype begins as an orphan who seeks somewhere to belong. At the second level, the Regular Guy / Gal learns to connect with others, accept help and develop friendships. The highest level of the archetype is the humanitarian who believes that all people have value regardless of their abilities or circumstances."
- "The Caregiver helps and protects others. By serving others and supporting them emotionally and financially, the Caregiver helps others achieve their goals. At the lower levels, the Caregiver archetype involves caring for one’s friends and family, and learning to balance caring for others with caring for oneself. At its pinnacle, the archetype involves an altruistic concern for and desire to help the entire world."
1. Which different Archetypes were predominant at different times during this day? What circumstances (inner or outer) made them emerge or withdraw? Were there any conflicts between them?
- Today I feel that I was in my Regular Gal Archetype "The Regular Guy/Gal/Orphan understands that everyone matters, just as they are. Down-home and unpretentious, it reveals a deep structure influenced by the wounded or ophaned child that expects very little from life, but that teaches us empathy, realism, and street smarts"
- I also felt that I was in the Caregiver Archetype "The Caregiver is an altruist, moved by compassion, generosity, and selflessness to help others. Although prone to martydom and enabling behaviours, the inner Caregiver/Atruist helps us raise our children, aid those in need, and build structures to sustain life and health."
- I felt that I Consciously chose to be in the Regular Gal Archetype and my Caregiver Archetype naturally came in when I was with my Nieces and my Parents.
2. What were the valuable qualities and what were the limitations to the situation of each Archetype or in their proportions? How did each help me or get in my way?
- In the Regular Gal Archetype I felt comfortable and I felt a sense of belonging with my Family, I did not feel any sense of pretense, just a genuine care and interest in everyone
- The limitation was that in blending in with everyone, there was not always the time and opportunity for a sense of Connection
- In the Caregiver Archetype I had a desire to look after my Nieces when they were in my care when we went to the Park and I also had concern for my Dad
- The challenge for me of the Caregiver in me is that I need to respect that my Nieces are not my children and that I have to trust my Mum and Dad in their own decisions - I can offer care and then I can move away and continue on my own path
3. What did each want to contribute? What would it like my life to be if it could contribute to its highest level?
- I like what I read about the Regular Gal and Caregiver Archetypes that rings true for me
- "The Regular Guy / Gal wants to fit in. By developing ordinary, solid virtues and avoiding any form of pretense or pomposity, the Regular Guy / Gal achieves a sense of belonging in his or her chosen environment. The Regular Guy / Gal archetype begins as an orphan who seeks somewhere to belong. At the second level, the Regular Guy / Gal learns to connect with others, accept help and develop friendships. The highest level of the archetype is the humanitarian who believes that all people have value regardless of their abilities or circumstances."
- "The Caregiver helps and protects others. By serving others and supporting them emotionally and financially, the Caregiver helps others achieve their goals. At the lower levels, the Caregiver archetype involves caring for one’s friends and family, and learning to balance caring for others with caring for oneself. At its pinnacle, the archetype involves an altruistic concern for and desire to help the entire world."
4. Were my Archetypes in harmony with what I wanted to do, or did I have to integrate or synthesis them? What part did I take in harmonizing and directing them?
- In my Regular Gal Archetype I just naturally sat in this place and then moved into the Caregiver Archetype as needed through the day
- In terms of my Caregiver Archetype I did need to remind myself that I am not the main Caregiver of my Nieces or my Dad and just need to give love and care in the moments and I need to ensure that this does not extend into worry
5. What are the underlying or implicit values and beliefs operating in each?
- Values of my Regular Gal Archetype are Family and Love - My core belief is that I do Belong with my Family
- Values of my Caregiver are also Family, Love, Service - My core Belief is that I do have a responsibility to give care to my Family
6. What assumptions can you challenge upon which you base/d your ideas, feelings and actions regarding not working with an archetype in the optimal way?
- Being in the Regular Gal Archetype assumes that I am just like everyone else and should just blend in - perhaps then I am not bringing my energy or personality or uniqueness or greatness to the day
- Being in the Caregiver Archetype I have a sense that I need to be loving and caring and yet I also must respect that my Family have their own lives and it is not my responsibility to be the worrier or rescuer
7. Recognise potential biases or discriminations in your choices or engagement with them
- Being in the Regular Gal Archetype I almost feel that I am not consciously bringing my whole Self to the day
- Being in the Caregiver I have a potential bias to move to overcare or worry
8. Describe any fears to acknowledge them and build resources to transform them
- In terms of being in the Regular Gal Archetype I have a fear that I am not bringing other Parts of myself to the day, I am lacking Consciousness of what Parts of me I may need to bring onto the stage
- In the Caregiver Archetype there is also a fear of stepping into worry and also a sense of being misunderstood or unappreciated
9. Identify possible areas for improvement. What might make a difference?
- In terms of being the Regular Gal Archetype I do not want to just be sitting in this Archetype - I would prefer to be sitting in my Soul's Home of "Being Present and Warm to What Is" and then Consciously bringing my Archetypes onto the stage as guided by my Intuition
- In terms of the Caregiver Archetype I love my Nieces and my Family and my Man and I can bring in my Sage's wisdom to stop me from going into overcare or worry
10. What are the most compelling reasons to make this difference and grow? What is the deeper meaning of this for you?
- By sitting in my Soul's Home of "Being Present and Warm to What Is" I can tune into my Sage and understand the Archetypes that will support my being, my day, my Journey
- While I love the Gifts of the Regular Gal of realism, empathy and lack of pretense - I do not want to fall into complacency where I just blend in and lose a sense of my uniqueness
11. What change does this call for? What theories and philosophies might help and assist your growth? Where or who might that help come from?
- I have a sense that Meditation on a daily basis will help me connect with my Soul and Sage and this will assist me on my Journey
- I also love just taking this opportunity to learn about my Archetypes and believe that Art Therapy will also help me on my Journey
12. What is your Vision for the outcome of these differences?
- My Vision is to sit in a place of Awareness and Consciousness of all Parts of Self
- By also Being in a relaxed, peaceful and natural state, with a Consciousness of being "Present and Warm To What Is" I feel I can choose how to act and respond by tuning into my Sage
- Other times, by having an Awareness of all my Archetypes, I feel I will naturally bring them on to the dancefloor of my life to serve the greater good
13. Outline the specifics if you need to (mind, spirit, body, emotions). Where is the first place to start experimenting with the change? When will this occur?
- For me I am making the Commitment to enjoy Meditation every day
- I am also going to use my Journal and all of these questions for Self-Reflection
14. What else might create opportunities for practicing the “how” of the change?
- I can practice this change when I am in the workplace from tomorrow, just being "Present and Warm to What Is"
- I can also continue to remind myself that my Family are on their own Soul Path and rather than constantly being in the role of Caregiver I have to be active in caring for myself with a focus on my own Path
15. What might help move this toward becoming a new positive habit?
- Affirmations will help me - "Present and Warm to What Is" and "Trust others to be on their own Journey"
- Art Therapy
16. What systemic changes might create powerful additional help with reinforcement of whole new directions?
- These changes will free up my energy and create Space, so that I can tune into my Intuition and my Sage that will guide me on my Next Steps for my Purpose, my Life, my Coaching Business.
WOW, that is a big Process - a lot of great questions. This Process is definitely worthwhile. I have a sense that I can Consciously choose which Archetypes will serve the greater good.
And after such a Yang Process, I embrace my Yin and enjoy Art Therapy. When I spend time on the Regular Gal Archetype I draw lines and lines of colour and then I have a sense that this does not feel right, that I want to shake it up! I also write next to the Regular Gal heading -
"How can anyone be Regular?
We are all the Same,
We are all so Different!!!
We are Ordinary,
We are Extraordinary!!!
I also enjoy sketching in colour in Reflection on the Caregiver and I have a sense of rays of light and energy all coming from me towards others. I write the following words -
"If I direct all my light and energy to others, I am not taking care of myself.
In this space, I am not trusting others to care for themselves."
Now time to give Care to Self...
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