Now is the time to look at my Financial Health. There is a Part of me that feels some resistance to looking at this topic, as I do not feel that I am in the best Financial Health right now. It is definitely an Area that needs my attention, and for that reason there is definitely another Part of me that is motivated to become better Organised and Planned in this Area. It is time to bring in my Yang. I keep talking about bringing in more of my Yang as I am usually so much in my Yin. I revisit my Yin and Yang images, inparticular I am inspired by my Yang Masculine image - I need this Part of me to definitely be more active.
Before I start reading my notes from College, I take the time to reflect on the History of my Relationship with Money. I remember getting my first job while I was at school and my Parents were always very generous in letting me spend the money on whatever I wanted - clothes, going out, clothes. Even when I went to University and I was working casually, most of my money just went to clothes and going out. As I write this now I have a sense of sadness that I didn't contribute to my University books or stationery, I just remember my Dad going to work every day, week in and week out, working hard for his family and giving me money when I needed it. I didn't think much about the value of Money or having Choices about Money when I was a child or even a teenage, although I do remember being sent money for my Birthday and Christmas from my Nana and Papa and Aunty Joyce and making Choices of what I should buy.
I then remember my Cousin telling me that every time she would reach $100 in her bank account, she would transfer it to another account, and with this advice I started saving, and I loved saving. Saving made me feel great, especially with a Goal of buying a car. In my early 20s I bought a grey charade - I loved that car.
Once I started working full-time I started spending money on fancy clothes for my fancy jobs in the city, I was always buying suits and scarves and stockings and shoes. I then went to Atlanta for work for 4 months and I spent a fortune - books, clothes, perfume, presents for everyone back home. I was also given so many presents from the place where I was working, and so when I returned home I had too many bags. At the last minute at the airport, I had to organise for some bags of my luggage to be sent home.
After years and years of shopping and spending, I settled into a savings plan, I don't really know how this happened or what Inspired me. I was still living at home and I settled into a long-term relationship and before I knew it, after about 4 years, I had enough for a deposit on a home. And then a whole new Journey began - buying a home, a mortgage. And then a relationship breakup. Followed by a new relationship and marriage and divorce. Followed by other relationships and other breakups and selling my Home. My Health and My Financial Health suffered as I went in and out of different relationships and in and out of different properties.
About five years ago, a lot of things changed for me, where I started working with People in Hiring, Training, Management and Motivation. I loved this job. After years and years of Financial loss, this job gave me the opportunity to save and plan for my future. I loved being able to buy a car and then my own Property again and I enjoyed having a feeling of Financial Freedom where I felt able to buy clothes and presents for loved ones and I was able to go out and enjoy myself and I felt in control of my Finances and my life.
When I changed jobs, this changed for me. And now I am choosing to start my own Business. I feel my Journey over the last two years, and my experience of now, is just the opportunity for me to learn about My Financial Health. I have never had to worry about a Budget or really worry about Money until now - and so now I see the opportunity to shift my perspective and learn how I can be more responsible and become more active and more abundant in this Area.
I read 'Invest In Your Financial Health' from 'Take Time For Your Life' by Cheryl Richardson and there are many parts of this excerpt that resonate with me. "Although most of us know by now that money doesn't bring happiness, the lack of money can bring plenty of pain. If you're living without financial reserves, it's impossible to be in control of your life. How can you leave a job that's making you crazy and affecting your health or take time off to care for a loved one? When will you take that trip you've been planning for the last ten years or start the business you've always dreamed of? It's impossible to 'follow your bliss' when you've got a hefty mortgage to pay or feel saddled with unwanted debt." This resonates with me - I have always had this reserve of money and now with my decision to start my own business and stay true to my Dream, this reserve is no longer available, right now. Time to build back the reserves.
Cheryl Richardson explains "A lack of financial reserves is the biggest obstacle to my clients, living the lives they want most... The more trouble you have with money, however, the more energy this piece will take from you and the more challenging it will be to live the life you want. Extreme self-care includes taking care of your financial health. If you struggle to make ends meet, have trouble saving money, or feel burdened with unwanted debt, it's time to do something about it."
Time for the Financial Health Checkup - with 15 points:
- I balance my bank statement every month - No
- I always pay my bills on time - No
- I live debt free or utilise a plan to get there - No
- I contribute to a savings plan consistently - No
- I don't dream about or depend on the lottery or other gimmicks to fund my financial future - Yes
- I know where my money goes and how much I spend on personal and/ or business expenses - Yes
- I have a long-term financial plan that supports my present and future Goals - No
- I live well within my means - Yes
- I am financially secure, I don't worry about money - No
- I always carry enough cash with me -No
- When I feel financially full, I share my wealth with others - Yes
- I pay my credit cards in full each month - No
- I pay my taxes on time - Yes
- I have an excellent financial adviser/ accountant who supports my financial goals - No
- I have a bookkeeping system that allows me to access my financial information at any time - No
= 5/15
I am reassured when I read "If this checklist feels overwhelming or depressing, don't worry. Eight percent of the people that first take this test score between 3 and 6 points out of the possible 15. Becoming aware of the missing pieces in your financial puzzle is the first step. Once you know how to improve your financial health you can take one simple action and be on the road to fiscal fitness. Inaction is what keeps you a victim to external forces."
As I am a Coach, I am all about ACTION and I also have a Commitment to Coach myself and be true to being my best on my Journey.
I enjoy reading and learning from 'Take Time For Your Life' - "This lack of skill, discipline, and basic money management expertise gets you into trouble in several ways. First, there are concrete issues of debt and liability, what I call the practical issues. Following close behind are the emotional issues - a looming sense of anxiety about where your money goes and a sense of hopelessness about your ability to improve your financial state. Finally, you end up feeling frustrated, irresponsible, and bad about yourself, and this is what blocks you from increasing your wealth."
"I am convinced that the secret to creating the abundance you desire is very simple: once you take full responsibility for your financial health, money stops being a source of frustration and starts to flow into your life naturally." I feel Inspired reading this paragraph as I have heard about this before, in line with The Secret and Law Of Attraction and as suggested by Cheryl Richardson, it is now time to send the right message to my Wise Self that I can be responsible with My Financial Health and allow more abundance into my life. "To allow more abundance into your life, you must invest in your financial health. By shifting your attitude and developing 'adult' money skills, you'll open to the abundance that is rightfully yours. Time and again I've watched as clients balance their checkbooks, start paying off debt, or ask for a well-deserved raise and thus open the door for more money to enter their lives."
"Restoring your financial health begins with a shift in attitude, from 'dealing with money is too much work or too stressful' to 'I'll do whatever it takes to restore My Financial Health'. This shift sets the stage for action. When you take the necessary actions to get on track, you end up feeling good about yourself, and that's the key ingredient to creating abundance. When you feel secure about the way you handle money, you naturally attract more."
I like the opportunity to look at how I think and feel about money - and explore these statements:
- Money is - Freedom and Choices
- My bank account is - A tool I can use to be Organised
- Those who have more money than me are - Successful
- Money never - Brings happiness (oops I don't think I should be sending out that Belief)
- Money always - Makes everything easier
- When it comes to debt, I believe - That it is okay to have debt as long as it is kept under control
- When I am faced with money problems, I believe - In being aware of my debt and having a plan where I can make Choices for my future
- When it comes to money management, I am - wanting to develop better skills
- For me to make money, then - I have to follow my Vision and be true to my Self
- I can't make a lot of money because - ____________ I don't believe in this statement - I believe I can make a lot of money and I open myself up to abundance
- I deserve - for My Financial Health to be strong so that I can make Choices and Make A Difference in my life, to my loved ones and in Community.
I like this Checklist - Prescription for My Financial Health - I will be working on getting this Area of my life right (what is right and healthy for me) -
"The Inner Work - Change How You Think and Feel About Money
- Change your beliefs
- Develop an Attitude of Gratitude (this one is easy for me)
- Share your wealth (I am already comfortable and active in sharing my wealth)
- Get comfortable with more
- Respect Yourself (I can tick this off the Checklist - and need to continually Honour my Self)
The Outer Work - Develop New Money Skills
- Ask for help
- Balance your accounts
- Know where the money goes
- Cut your expenses
- Pay your bills on time
- Eliminate debts
- Repair your credit report
- Start saving
- Put a bookkeeping system in place
- Create a personal spending plan
- Invest in your future, invest in you."
I definitely need my Organiser Archetype to help me in this Area. I am Excited to be meeting with my Accountant this week and so I feel that this will give me a great opportunity to improve My Financial Health. And with the start of the new Financial Year it is a perfect time to put systems in place.
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