I am blessed that I now have such a strong sense of my Soul's Home - My Yellow Heart.
For me the image of my Yellow Heart is my Touchstone to the way of being where I am totally Present. In this place I am Love, I am Light, I am Acceptance, I am Warmth. In this place I am Relaxed, I am at Peace. In this place I can hear the whispers of my Soul, my Yellow Heart is the home of my Soul.
In this place I have Connection with my Wise Self - a Part of me that guides me on my Soul path. Today I enjoyed a Meditation listening to my new CD 'Pure Sounds Gyuto Monks of Tibet' (which is wonderful) and I felt my Self sitting in my Soul's Home of My Yellow Heart and being in Communication with my Wise Self (who was sitting opposite me). This was a wonderful experience. This is my image of my Wise Self.
As I sit in my Soul's Home of My Yellow Heart in my Meditation I also have a sense and the image of my Guardian Angel holding my right hand. My Guardian Angel whispers "I am here, you are not alone." My Guardian Image is beautiful - her dress is made of crystal and gold. This is a beautiful experience. I also have a sense of another Angel holding my left hair - she is dressed in purple. My Angels explain that they are here to help guide me, and that by allowing this Space in my life, I can be in touch with my Intuition.
As I am in Meditation I feel my Self sitting in my Soul's Home and I feel so Peaceful - I want to stay in this place, I want to stay in this place forever. And then came the realisation that I can stay in this place - I can always sit in My Yellow Heart and be Love and Light and Peace and Acceptance. In my Soul's Home I feel that I am sitting in a circle, my Guardian Angel to my right, another Angel to my left and my Wise Self opposite me - and there are Others from the Universe also Present to support me. In my day to day, I can take this Awareness with me, feeling the Love and Light of the Universe.
Recently in a Coaching Session I discovered my Soul's Home is this place of being "Present and Warm to What Is". By Consciously choosing to be in my Soul's Home I feel more at Peace. At work I am just being "Present and Warm to What Is", and so rather than overthinking about my Monday-Wednesday, I am able to be Present and focus on my work. In this way, I am not wasting energy thinking about anything other than being at work - and as I focus on my work I am able to exceed my Targets and I feel a sense of Achievement. In my relationship with my Man, I am also practicing being Present. And in this place I can express my truth and all of my feelings.
When I am with my Clients I feel myself in My Yellow Heart, listening with my Heart, totally Present. In My Yellow Heart I sit in Honour of my Clients, in Honour of their Courage. I am Honoured that they are sharing their Journey with me. In My Yellow Heart I am Love, I am Light, I am Acceptance, I am "Present and Warm to What Is", I am Peace. As I sit in My Yellow Heart I hold a Sacred Space for others. In my Yellow Heart I allow Space. Space for me offers the opportunity to Pause. Rather than rushing in and speaking, I allow Attentive Silence for my Clients. I also allow the Space for my Intuition, to hear Spirit. And then I can respond to my Clients.
Space in my own life allows me to gain insights for my own life. Having Space is very important to me. Space allows me to tune into my sense of achieving Balance within my Self and my Life.
When I am Home in My Yellow Heart, I have a strong sense of Self-Love and Confidence. I remember who I am, my Soul Journey and my Soul Purpose. I am True to me. And as I move into the Future and looking at my Ideal Scene in 5 years I want to be having this same internal experience - where I can be in the daily living of being in My Yellow Heart, my Soul's Home, the Light, Love and Peace within me - that is me. When I am Home in My Yellow Heart I allow the Space to be in Connection with Spirit. I have a knowing that I can draw on all of the Strengths and Resources within me, including my Wise Self and other Archetypes. By being "Present and Warm to What Is" I feel that I can always carry this with me - no matter where my Life leads I can be in My Yellow Heart.
From My Yellow Heart I can Spread The Yellow. From a Natural, Heart-Felt, Genuine, Place of Love, I can Share, Moment to Moment, my Love, Warmth, Connection, Presence, Genuine Interest and Curiosity, My Interest In What You Have To Say, My Interest In Your Journey, My Care. I can Communicate I SEE YOU, YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE TO ME. I can Share JOY, Happiness, Positivity, Energy, Excitement, Enthusiasm, Eye Contact, Just Being With Another, A Smile, A Moment, A Kind Word, Words From My Heart, A Hug, An Encouragement, An Acknowledgement, Gratitude, Appreciation, Gift Of Words, Gift Of Thoughtfulness, AWARENESS, Opportunities, Possibilities, the Right To Choice, the Right To Choose, An Offering, An Invitation. From My Yellow Heart I can Make A Difference, I can Make This Moment Count!!!
I have a sense of a Butterfly landing in my Soul's Home, an image of Transformation. The Butterfly gently reminds me that Life is a Journey and that change is a part of Life. The Butterfly reminds me to Honour the Journey of Others. The Butterfly reminds me to Honour my own Journey.
For me my Business Card helps highlight my way of Being and Doing that feels right for me. My Yellow Heart is at the Centre and this Inspires Emotion and Action through my Yin and Yang, the Parts of me that act from a place of Love. There is Balance, there is Space, there is Light. And as I Honour My Yellow Heart, I will SHINE.
I feel so Grateful to recognise the Yellow in my own Life. As I sit within My Yellow Heart I can be real with every emotion and I can also have an Attitude of Gratitude. I am very Grateful to my Man who surprised me yesterday with a beautiful card and words and a thoughtful present, that is very me. My Man is continually bringing Yellow to my life, always buying me Yellow flowers and recently he bought me a Yellow shower curtain. I am so happy that I see my Man in my Future, he is in my Ideal Life. I am blessed to be so Loved by my Man and feel such Love for him. And in My Yellow Heart I have Love and Care for my Self.
I feel so Grateful to recognise the Yellow in my own Life. As I sit within My Yellow Heart I can be real with every emotion and I can also have an Attitude of Gratitude. I am very Grateful to my Man who surprised me yesterday with a beautiful card and words and a thoughtful present, that is very me. My Man is continually bringing Yellow to my life, always buying me Yellow flowers and recently he bought me a Yellow shower curtain. I am so happy that I see my Man in my Future, he is in my Ideal Life. I am blessed to be so Loved by my Man and feel such Love for him. And in My Yellow Heart I have Love and Care for my Self.
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Great blog !
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