Yes I Did It!!! Yoga!!! Finally!!! I have been wanting to go to Yoga for years and today was my first Step.
I had been recommended to this Yoga Teacher from my Chiro and yet it was a Thursday night class a few suburbs away. And yet I felt Excited when I was on my way and I felt so Present in the Class with so much Trust in the Teacher. Yes I Did It and Yes I Loved It!!! I felt my body stretching and I loved that feeling and I can't wait to go again next week. I am in a Beginners' Class which is excellent as the Teacher is going through all the basics and making sure we are doing each move in the right way. I now wish that I had have started years ago and I am Grateful that I have started this Journey.
After writing my Ideal Scene for 5 years from now - I looked at my Wheel Of Life and I was surprised to see that my level of Satisfaction is low in many Areas. Very surprised!!
One of my main Areas I want to focus on right now is my Health, I have rated it at a 2. And after receiving clear results from an X-Ray on my neck and back, and after going to Yoga tonight, I already feel that I am moving up the Scale.
With today being 1 July 2010 - I am very Conscious that we have experienced 6 months of this year and there is 6 months to go - and I want to make every day Count. Rather than having a Step by Step Plan, my Intention is to follow my Intution to take Next Steps that will naturally move me towards 10 out of 10 in each Area.
This has been a perfect ending to a positive day for me. I am Grateful to be working with a brilliant Coach where I am learning so much about my Soul's Journey. I have a sense that my Health is being affected by taking on emotions and worries, absorbing them in my Body. I am also Conscious that rather than automatically going into Positivity or Gratitude, I may also need to Honour my Feelings. My Coach talks about being at my Soul's Home and the words "Being Present and Warm with What Is" resonate with me.
When I get home I enjoy Art Therapy to capture the Awareness and I enjoy time in Meditation where I work with my Sage, the Wise Part of me to look back on my Past where I may still be carrying layers and layers of pain.
I make a Commitment to myself to tune into my Feelings, my Body's Felt Sense. I find a great website talking about Honouring Feelings -
One of my main Areas I want to focus on right now is my Health, I have rated it at a 2. And after receiving clear results from an X-Ray on my neck and back, and after going to Yoga tonight, I already feel that I am moving up the Scale.
With today being 1 July 2010 - I am very Conscious that we have experienced 6 months of this year and there is 6 months to go - and I want to make every day Count. Rather than having a Step by Step Plan, my Intention is to follow my Intution to take Next Steps that will naturally move me towards 10 out of 10 in each Area.
This has been a perfect ending to a positive day for me. I am Grateful to be working with a brilliant Coach where I am learning so much about my Soul's Journey. I have a sense that my Health is being affected by taking on emotions and worries, absorbing them in my Body. I am also Conscious that rather than automatically going into Positivity or Gratitude, I may also need to Honour my Feelings. My Coach talks about being at my Soul's Home and the words "Being Present and Warm with What Is" resonate with me.
When I get home I enjoy Art Therapy to capture the Awareness and I enjoy time in Meditation where I work with my Sage, the Wise Part of me to look back on my Past where I may still be carrying layers and layers of pain.
I make a Commitment to myself to tune into my Feelings, my Body's Felt Sense. I find a great website talking about Honouring Feelings -
"Why do you think it is important to know what you are feeling? Do you take notice of what your body is trying to tell you or do you bypass your emotions, allowing your head to rule the day? Do you think other people's feelings are more important than your own?
It is important to know what you are feeling as feelings are the best personal response! Your feelings are like a compass, directing you through your life, so it is important to listen to what they have to say, as they can guide you into making the right choices. Your inner wisdom is brilliant - yet most of us ignore it by denying our gut feelings and initial reactions. However, to do this can cause you harm as it can lead you to befriend the wrong people, pursue inappropriate career paths and be in relationships with the wrong person. How many times have you said to yourself 'I knew I shouldn't have done that'? So trusting and honoring your feelings is vital to achieving your best life ever!
Learn to trust that your feelings are there for a reason. Do you get an uncomfortable feeling every time you go to a certain event or meet a certain person? This could be your feelings telling you to Beware! Is your body exhausted or stressed - this may be your body telling you to slow down a little and take care of your health. You may also find that if you choose to ignore these feelings, they often get stronger and stronger and will not just go away! Often your feelings will escalate until you listen to them and pay attention to them. For example, if you ignore the fact that you are tired and exhausted, you may end up having a virus or a cold.
However, the choices you make as a result of honoring your feelings will bring you contentment, acknowledgment that you are on the right path and joy and fulfillment.
So, how do you honor your feelings?
Try the following steps:
1) When you feel something in your body, give it a name and identify exactly what you are feeling. At least twice a day, ask yourself, What am I feeling? Write your feelings down. Start each day by writing 'I feel..' and then keep on going
2) Try to understand what your feelings are trying to tell you - Are your feelings telling you you're anxious? Happy? Overwhelmed? If so, try and work out why! Are you working too hard? Are you about to do something which is not in integrity? Are you about to do something which is not appropriate to your life plan? Are you feeling anxious because you are about to try something new?
So, how do you honor your feelings?
Try the following steps:
1) When you feel something in your body, give it a name and identify exactly what you are feeling. At least twice a day, ask yourself, What am I feeling? Write your feelings down. Start each day by writing 'I feel..' and then keep on going
2) Try to understand what your feelings are trying to tell you - Are your feelings telling you you're anxious? Happy? Overwhelmed? If so, try and work out why! Are you working too hard? Are you about to do something which is not in integrity? Are you about to do something which is not appropriate to your life plan? Are you feeling anxious because you are about to try something new?
3) Affirm and validate your feelings - We are very good at invalidating our own feelings! We consider them to be unimportant, stupid or unacceptable. Many of us have even learned that it is unsafe to honor our own feelings. Try to listen and honor the way you feel - your feelings count! Try the following affirmation to assist you in validating your feelings:
* All of my feelings are acceptable
* I honor and respect my feelings
* I choose to have compassion for myself
In conclusion, your feelings are often the voice of your biggest desires which are waiting to be heard. They have so much to teach you and will always give you clues to your inner wisdom and the right path to follow. Growing into the wonderful people we are meant to be requires honoring our feelings!"
* All of my feelings are acceptable
* I honor and respect my feelings
* I choose to have compassion for myself
In conclusion, your feelings are often the voice of your biggest desires which are waiting to be heard. They have so much to teach you and will always give you clues to your inner wisdom and the right path to follow. Growing into the wonderful people we are meant to be requires honoring our feelings!"
I love reading these wise words which are in line with the work that I am doing with my Coach. I am Inspired with the words "Being Present and Warm with What Is", especially since tomorrow is my day of being the Coach, and I am really looking forward to holding this Sacred Space for my Clients.
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