There is so much that I am learning. There is so much that I am wanting to apply in my own life and as areas to bring into the Consciousness of my Coaching Clients. There is so much that I am naturally applying in my own life and I love the opportunity for Self-Reflection to see what is working and new opportunities for growth.
Often it is just the Awareness and the bringing into Consciousness that can create HUGE Shifts. For me I have been Consciously bringing myself into a State of being Present (more often, most often), being more in Body, and less caught in my Thinking or Feelings. Being in my Body is my resting place - and from here I am Guided by my Intuition. When I am resting in my Body, being Present, I feel that I am in my Soul's Home, My Yellow Heart. The image of My Yellow Heart always brings me back to this place. When I find myself Overthinking or getting caught up in the Past or be in my Worrying Shadow - I bring in the image of My Yellow Heart, and I come back into being Present in the Now. This Awareness and Consciousness is changing my life.
In this place of My Yellow Heart, I am able to experience and enjoy Holding The Paradox. This is a new Concept for me, so simple and so Powerful. I can hold the Dark AND the Light. It is no longer about quickly shifting from the Dark to the Light, or just staying in the Dark, or there being just Dark OR Light. When I am Holding The Paradox, it is not about 'but', it is about using the word 'AND' - using it from a genuine, felt sense, heartfelt place. When I am Holding the Paradox, I am in Balance - there is one hand Holding the Dark and one hand Holding the Light. In My Yellow Heart I am Grounded and I am filled with Spirit, I am in my Strength and Authentic Power and Truth. I am not just saying the words I can have a strong sense and feeling of Holding The Paradox.
In my Life I feel comfortable Feeling into my Emotions, being Present to my Emotions. By Being in my Body I can feel at a gut level what is real for me, not what I Think I am Feeling. And as I sit in my Emotions, sometimes sadness or pain, I can also Hold the knowing that there is Light and Joy.
I am Holding The Paradox in many Areas of my Life right now. Paradox defined -
" A seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true: the paradox that standing is more tiring than walking."
- "An assertion that is essentially self-contradictory, though based on a valid deduction from acceptable premises."
I can be in pain and sadness AND feel Happy and Grateful. I can feel a sense of isolation and aloneness AND a strong sense of Love and Connection. I can feel a sense of being stuck AND know I can take a step and start to move.
By Holding the Paradox, I do not feel distressed or weighed down or overwhelmed. Especially when it comes to my loved one - right now I am Holding The Paradox of concern about my Parents and my Man who are all sick AND believing that they are getting the care and medical attention that is required and the Love and Light from me. By Holding The Paradox I do not waste mental or emotional energy that does not serve me or serve the situation - instead, I can be fully Present to what is needed on a day to day, needs by needs basis.
" A seemingly contradictory statement that may nonetheless be true: the paradox that standing is more tiring than walking."
- "An assertion that is essentially self-contradictory, though based on a valid deduction from acceptable premises."
I can be in pain and sadness AND feel Happy and Grateful. I can feel a sense of isolation and aloneness AND a strong sense of Love and Connection. I can feel a sense of being stuck AND know I can take a step and start to move.
By Holding the Paradox, I do not feel distressed or weighed down or overwhelmed. Especially when it comes to my loved one - right now I am Holding The Paradox of concern about my Parents and my Man who are all sick AND believing that they are getting the care and medical attention that is required and the Love and Light from me. By Holding The Paradox I do not waste mental or emotional energy that does not serve me or serve the situation - instead, I can be fully Present to what is needed on a day to day, needs by needs basis.
I am Holding The Paradox that I am not earning as much money as my previous Management Career AND I can Trust and be Excited that I have found my Lifework as a Coach.
I am Holding The Paradox that my work Monday-Wednesday does not make my heart sing and does not utilise all of my Strengths and Skills AND I am Grateful to work close to home and be busy in my job without a feeling of stress.
I am Holding The Paradox of there is so much still to learn and embrace AND I have learnt and grown so much.
I am Holding The Paradox of feeling less fit and not being able to run AND I can enjoy Walking and Yoga and a more relaxed pace of exercise.
I am Holding The Paradox of feeling I have so much to organise in my Home and garage and clutter to clear AND I am taking steps every day to create a Happy Home.
I am Holding The Paradox of day to day living with my Man and whatever that brings us in our day AND the Excitement of a deep and loving bond and wonderful times for our Future.
I am Holding The Paradox of being tired AND energised with all of my Dreams that I want to fit more into my day.
By Holding The Paradox I am Holding and Acknowledging the realness and the Truth AND I am also Holding a Light, Holding and Acknowledging being Grateful, holding Hope, holding my Dreams.
I can be Present to both Light AND Dark. I can Hold both Light AND Dark.
In this Space of Holding both, I am neither Light or Dark. I am at Peace. In My Yellow Heart I am Love and Light. And from this Space, I can draw in my Sage, my Wise Self. My Sage is my Resource, infused with energy of God and Spirit, filled with rays of energy, helping me for my Highest Good. My Sage is Present when I am Acting, Speaking and Being in Wisdom. While I am Still when I am Holding The Paradox, my Sage can help guide me towards my Next Steps.
And in my Purpose to Spread The Yellow, I am Holding The Paradox of:
- I am only one AND still I am one
- I cannot do everything AND still I can do something.
I am Holding The Paradox of wanting to rush out and get busy with Action and 'To Do' Lists AND allowing space, living in the flow and trusting the Universe to show me the way. I am asking God to show me the way and show me how I can live my Purpose to Spread The Yellow each and every day in the big and small ways. By Holding The Paradox, this allows me more mental and emotional energy, more freedom, to be in the right Space to Love and Serve others.
And now it is time for me to wash up - one of the simple ways I can Spread The Yellow in my Home (since my Man hates washing up). And then time for bed - Self-Care.
- I cannot do everything AND still I can do something.
I am Holding The Paradox of wanting to rush out and get busy with Action and 'To Do' Lists AND allowing space, living in the flow and trusting the Universe to show me the way. I am asking God to show me the way and show me how I can live my Purpose to Spread The Yellow each and every day in the big and small ways. By Holding The Paradox, this allows me more mental and emotional energy, more freedom, to be in the right Space to Love and Serve others.
And now it is time for me to wash up - one of the simple ways I can Spread The Yellow in my Home (since my Man hates washing up). And then time for bed - Self-Care.
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