Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Start of a new month...June

Every day is a chance to start anew. Every day is a new beginning. While trite, the previous sayings 
are quite true, and on this month of June I have decided to take them to heart. I have looked at 
my life and have come to the realization that I'm making some pretty big mistakes. 
These mistakes don't just impact me, but others.So time for me to have a look back 
on my list on things that I need to break which previously posted here in my blog.(here)

To start a good vibe for the new month. I meet my two girlfriends  in a different days. 
They are the channel of my love and affection which act as a big part of me. 
Without love and affection life would be cold and dark:)

And the best way to bond?  Shop at Schu; dinner at Ween Nam Kee : they have the best chicken and UCC Coffee Cafe:)

Everyone needs friends for different reasons. Maybe you need friends so that you are 
not alone in the afternoons when you get down and start thinking negative thoughts.
Maybe your neighbor needs friends so that they have someone to dote on and take care of. 
We all need companionship, love, and acceptance, and that is why friends, and the friendships
 we form are so important.

To Liz aka thereissomethingaboutmaria and to my travel buddy Cristine...
both of you are like pair of shoes you make me happy.
I can just toss both of you into my suitcase and  I know I will look fabulous
no matter what the weekend throws at me.

Have a good start of the month guys!

Life is good!

And by the please take a minute of your time to read this travel blog : 
 Traumatic experience as an Alleged DRUG TRAFFICKER in Bali Indonesia
 this could help you even your not a filipino. (Here)

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