Today I had an Attitude of Gratitude. This is the Intention I set for the day.
I walk outside and I am so Grateful for a beautiful Yellow flower that has just come into bloom. I Am So Grateful to my Neighbour for bringing our Garden to life.
I Am So Grateful that I have a parking spot at the back of the Bookstore. I Am So Grateful to be greeted by a beautiful Tree with red Flowers. I just LOVE and I Am So Grateful for the Gifts of Nature. Thank you God.
I Am So Grateful that the women at the Bookstore are so warm and friendly and welcoming to me.
I Am So Grateful for my Coaching space, my room - I love my room. I set up my room and I felt very Happy. I also enjoyed the Process of collecting stones from the back garden and I enjoyed creating a Medicine Wheel with stones.
I can't wait to Welcome Clients into my Coaching room. I enjoy a Meditation and I imagine a row of people and I am just sitting waiting for them to take the step towards me, towards Coaching. And once people take a step I see myself walking with them - walking with them on their Journey. I have a sense that the path they walk on is not a hurried, rushed, straight path - yet a flowing path. I Am So Grateful that I have space to enjoy the Gifts of Meditation.
I Am So Grateful for the people I met today, some friends, some new faces - just enjoying Conversations, stories, sharing, time.
I Am So Grateful that I can put a sign out the front of the Bookstore - announcing that I Am Here Today. I love seeing my name on the sign - that my Business is real and alive.
I Am So Grateful for the Manager at the Bookstore - taking time to offer some ideas that may help in introducing my Business. I Am So Grateful for her idea that I can run a Talk or Group Coaching Session at the Bookstore that will be promoted through their newsletter and in the Bookstore - so that I can introduce myself and as an opportunity for Connection with Clients. GREAT IDEA! I love it. We have agreed to chat next week about my ideas - so I will see what insights emerge for me during the week. I definitely look forward to this opportunity to Spread The Yellow.
I Am So Grateful that my Man comes to visit my Coaching room and we enjoy a Chai together - where I run into some friends and we enjoy chatting.
And I am So Grateful that I am drawn to buy 'Spiritual Business' by Kate Forster. My friend had previously told me about this book (twice) and I have not rushed to buy the book, as I have just been enjoying my own Journey and feeling into the power of my Yin and Yang - and yet today - this book catches my eye - I read a few pages and it looks like a wonderful, perfect book for me to buy. On the front cover it states "Creating a Business from the Heart" - yes, perfect!!! Before writing this book, Kate Forster wrote a Blog and I love reading what she wrote about her Blog -
"The blog started as something small and became the biggest thing in my life - my laboratory, my diary, my confessor, my mirror, my gauge and my friend. I set myself a few rules. They were:
1. To blog as often as possible when I had something to share
2. To be completely open, warts and all
3. Avoid discussing the blog unless I was asked
4. To allow it to exist - those who were Meant to find it, would
5. To not have any expectation about the outcome
6. To be, 'Open to everything, attached to nothing'."I am really looking forward to reading this book. And I Am So Grateful that I was drawn to a second hand book 'Love Of A Lifestyle' by Denise Scudds - it is just a story - it looks like a beautiful love story. I read a chapter in my bath tonight and I love just relaxing and reading.
I Am So Grateful that I Am So Grateful. This is a Conscious decision and I Am So Grateful that this does come naturally for me. In 'You Can Have An Amazing Life In Just 60 Days' by Dr. John F. Demartini (I love this book), he talks about 'The Law Of Appreciation' - "You have more vitality when you have appreciation than you do at any other time, so stop, reflect, and think about what you could give thanks for. Make it your aim to be appreciative of your life and acknowledge the amazing journey you experience."
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