Saturday, May 15, 2010

My 'True Love' Poem

Today I saw 'Letters to Juliet' - I loved it - I LOVED IT!!  It is such a beautiful story of Love - True Love. 

It is the story of a young American, Sophie, who travels to Verona, home of "Romeo and Juliet" and she finds a letter dated from 1957, a letter written to Juliet seeking advice about love.  

Sophie responds to the letter and the author of the 1957 letter, Claire, travels to Italy - and this begins the search for Claire's True Love, Lorenzo, a man she has not seen in 50 years.  I love Love stories.  When watching any show or reading any book, I am most interested in the Love story and always waiting with bated breathe for the lovers to discover each other.

The movie is set in Italy - the perfect setting for the movie, the perfect backdrop for the love story.  I went to the movie with my Mum and Dad (I love seeing my Parents and spending time with them) and I love that my Dad and I both get emotional watching the movie - both of us cry with the joy of the movie - of course, my Mum just glances across and is surprised that we have tears in our eyes.  I love the scenery in the movie - I say to my Parents that if I was younger and not in love, I would travel to Italy and find some romance - I then say that even at my age (and I am only 38 years young, although I keep thinking I am 37) I would go to Italy looking for love - LUCKY ME I AM IN LOVE - I just have to drive 10 minutes home and be home with my Man.

Last year when studying my Counselling Certificate, one of our major assignments involved writing about our Family of Origin.  It was a Major assignment - and I loved it.  My favourite part of the assignment was getting to know my Dad's Parents, my Grandparents, who I never met, as they died when my Dad was in his twenties.  My Grandmother Ellen Campbell Moore was 37 when she met my Grandfather Charles William Petersen - they were 13 years apart - the same age difference as my own Parents.  While organising my assignment, it was so special and beautiful reading 2 love letters that my Grandpa sent to my Grandma.  He wrote a letter to my Grandma just after they were married and signed it "I now remain your ever loving Husband with kisses from me" - just beautiful letters that touched my heart.  These were the times of no computers, emails, mobile phones or even telephones at home.

I love Love Letters - I am blessed that my Man has written me some beautiful Love Letters that I cherish.  The Gift of words is so beautiful.  I love when my Man writes me cards or gives me hearts with beautiful words written on them especially for me.  This is also my favourite way to Spread The Yellow - words from the heart - cards, letters, just words telling someone you love how you feel and that they Make A Difference to you.  The Gift of love - True Love is incredible.  True Love lights up your life, colours your world - it is heartfelt.

On the way home, I remember My 'True Love' Poem - I wrote it years and years and years ago - probably  over 6 years ago - at this time I was still searching for True Love - always thinking that I had found it - always hoping to find My True Love.  I am happy when I get home that I still have a copy of  the Poem.  As I read it now, I feel confident that my Man is my True Love (although I can't even remember how to dance the Merengue - and not sure if "confident" is the right word - should I be saying the word "certain"?). 

Love makes you happy
Love makes you smile
Love makes you laugh out loud
Love makes your heart sing
Love makes you want to dance
Love makes you want to hoolahoop
Love walks together hand in hand
Love walks together side by side
Love holds the other up when the other is down
Love holds a candle to help lead the way
Love is kissing and hugging
Love is glad to see you
Love is being best friends
Love is wanting to call everyday
Love is a call to share your stories
Love is wanting them to be the first person you tell
Love is asking questions
Love is remembering
Love is wanting to know their stories
Love loves a good chat
Love loves to chat everyday
Love remembers the first day you met
Love remembers the details - where you were, perhaps what you wore
Love remembers when they realised they loved you
Love remembers the happy times
Love loves yellow, sunny, happy days
Love loves life
Love is wanting to wake up beside you
Love is seeing beauty in the world
Love is seeing the beauty in the other
Love is lying in each other's arms
Love is dancing the Merengue
Love is sharing a sunrise
Love is enjoying a sunset
Love is being in no rush but just being and enjoying time together
Love is wanting to be nowhere else but here with you
Love explores together
Love enjoys adventures
Love is a choice
Love is not perfect
Love gives you time to yourself
Love misses you when we're apart
Love hangs out in tracksuit pants
Love dresses up and plans a special outing

Love takes photos to capture a moment
Love captures the moment in your mind
Love can happen when you least expect it
Love can be everything you dreamed it to be and more
Love embraces the surprise
Love embraces each other
Love is being the other's cheer squad
Love is toasting to their success
Love is helping wherever and whenever you can
Love expects nothing in return - nothing but love
Love is saying how you feel
Love is being honest with your feelings
Love compliments
Love writes love letters
Love writes the perfect message on the perfect card
Love says `I Love You'
Love says `Thank You'
Love says `'I'm sorry'
Love forgives
Love forgets what it's just forgiven
Love is caring
Love is sharing
Love shares the chores
Love shares the ups and downs
Love stays positive during the negative
Love is being able to be yourself
Love doubles the joys and divides the sorrows
Love is like a good meal - it takes time and is heartfelt, and is to be savoured and enjoyed
Love is enjoying the here and now
Love is planning for the future
Love gives you a home to rest and feel at peace
Love doesn't want to say goodbye
Love gives you wings to fly
Love welcomes you with open arms
Love always has an open door
Love opens its heart to your family and your friends
Love always opens its heart to you
Love will always love you no matter what happens

Yet Love will come to the crossroads
A time when Love must make decisions
Decisions that will change lives
Sadly, you may decide you have to let go of the one you Love
Love will miss you and want to talk to you and want to see you and hug you
Love, however knows it may be time to move on and looks forward to True Love

True Love is a choice made by two people who love each other
True Love is a commitment
True Love is glad you're home
True Love is the love of your life
True Love is knowing you're the one
True Love is telling you `You're the one'
True Love says 'yes'
True Love says 'I do'
True Love stays true
True Love says `You're the best'
True Love is being grateful for you
True Love is you loving me as much as I love you
True Love is me choosing you and you choosing me
True Love is choosing you for a desert island for two
True Love builds memories
True Love builds a house and makes it a home
True Love is a good book with a happy ending
True Love is forever You and Me
True Love sets you free

It is TRUE - True Love sets you free - I feel free to me...

And as I read My 'True Love' Poem I feel certain that I have found my 'True Love' (even if that brings up some fear - and mostly excitement) - I am very Grateful to Love and Be Loved...

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