My Artwork of Values is now in my Bedroom, it is great to see these Words first thing in the morning.
I look at the word Health and I know that this is very important to me. And I am not feeling very Healthy right now - probably because I ate chocolate last night, which always makes me feel sick (and yes, I eat it anyway - yes, I am so not perfect). I also know that I have nothing in the cupboard for breakfast - we have eaten all the fruit and I have not replaced my cereal. If I was to put on a Scale how I feel in relation to my Ideal Health between 1 and 10 with 10 being the Ideal - I would probably be at a 2 or 3.
I have a sleep in - I feel like I am getting enough in terms of hours of sleep and yet I still wake up tired - I feel like my night of dreams, where I always remember the adventure or drama, leave me exhausted. I put on some Meditation music - this is a perfect way to start my day.
In my Mediation, I feel myself going deeper and deeper into a relaxed state. The image of me lying on a picnic rug with a Baby and my Man nearby comes to my mind's eye - this is our Baby - it is a beautiful image. In the Meditation I have a sense that I must prepare now, I must make Health a Priority - prepare my body for having our Baby. When I come out of the meditative state, I feel at peace. Having a baby is my greatest heart's desire - and this is a great motivation to look after myself. I Google 'Preparing to have a baby' and I see that it is important to prepare my body 3-12 months in advance - folate seems a Priority - and the importance of not being underweight or overweight, and not eating certain foods such as raw fish. I am very interested to learn more. I even go to the library and look up books to find out what I should and shouldn't be eating. I have had some Health concerns over the last 10 years - and I have a strong sense that I will be a Mum - and I know I have to do everything I can to make this dream come true.
I have a lovely day with my Family. I enjoy time with my Mum and Dad - we enjoy a walk around Cronulla, along the beach and enjoy lunch at Cronulla RSL - I just love spending time with my Parents.
While walking with my Parents, I am continually, constantly, so consciously looking at Babies and Children. I always love seeing Children with their Parents - I just Love Children. I Can't Wait to have my own Baby - I Can't Wait. In Coaching, there is a question about - What do you ache for? For me the answer is obvious - I Can't Wait until I have a Baby - this will be my Greatest Wish, my Greatest Gift.
After lunch we walk to the park where I am very Excited to see my Gorgeous Nieces. Little Brooke (who is turning 2 years old in September) is with my Dad and she runs over - I love seeing my Dad with my Nieces, his Granddaughters. My Mum just loves spending time with Brooke - probably because the day Brooke was born was the day that Mum found out she had a brain tumor - miraculously, thank God, Mum is enjoying wonderful times with Brooke - who makes us smile.
I then love seeing my Nieces Ashley (7 in August) and Olivia (4 in July) run towards me. My Nieces bring me so much Joy. I love my Nieces - I can't imagine loving more - and yet I Can't Wait until I become a Mum. And I Can't Wait to look at my Baby, our Baby - I love the feeling of having a Baby with my Man.
In my Mediation, I feel myself going deeper and deeper into a relaxed state. The image of me lying on a picnic rug with a Baby and my Man nearby comes to my mind's eye - this is our Baby - it is a beautiful image. In the Meditation I have a sense that I must prepare now, I must make Health a Priority - prepare my body for having our Baby. When I come out of the meditative state, I feel at peace. Having a baby is my greatest heart's desire - and this is a great motivation to look after myself. I Google 'Preparing to have a baby' and I see that it is important to prepare my body 3-12 months in advance - folate seems a Priority - and the importance of not being underweight or overweight, and not eating certain foods such as raw fish. I am very interested to learn more. I even go to the library and look up books to find out what I should and shouldn't be eating. I have had some Health concerns over the last 10 years - and I have a strong sense that I will be a Mum - and I know I have to do everything I can to make this dream come true.
I have a lovely day with my Family. I enjoy time with my Mum and Dad - we enjoy a walk around Cronulla, along the beach and enjoy lunch at Cronulla RSL - I just love spending time with my Parents.
While walking with my Parents, I am continually, constantly, so consciously looking at Babies and Children. I always love seeing Children with their Parents - I just Love Children. I Can't Wait to have my own Baby - I Can't Wait. In Coaching, there is a question about - What do you ache for? For me the answer is obvious - I Can't Wait until I have a Baby - this will be my Greatest Wish, my Greatest Gift.
After lunch we walk to the park where I am very Excited to see my Gorgeous Nieces. Little Brooke (who is turning 2 years old in September) is with my Dad and she runs over - I love seeing my Dad with my Nieces, his Granddaughters. My Mum just loves spending time with Brooke - probably because the day Brooke was born was the day that Mum found out she had a brain tumor - miraculously, thank God, Mum is enjoying wonderful times with Brooke - who makes us smile.
I then love seeing my Nieces Ashley (7 in August) and Olivia (4 in July) run towards me. My Nieces bring me so much Joy. I love my Nieces - I can't imagine loving more - and yet I Can't Wait until I become a Mum. And I Can't Wait to look at my Baby, our Baby - I love the feeling of having a Baby with my Man.
I love the day with my Family and I love that my Brother and Sister-In-Law and my Nieces call over to our Home and we have fun playing computer games and dancing - my Nieces are so beautiful.
I Love them. I Can't Wait to introduce them to their Cousin when we have our Baby.
I am 39 years old in 4 months from next Tuesday - and so I decide that I have to make some changes. I have to move my 2-3 on my Health Scale to a 10. I am doing my Research and feeling into my Intuition as to what feels right. I decide that I will put a hold on my Running until after I have a Baby as I know my Running has in the past affected my cycle - and so I will continue to enjoy my Walking. I am also DEFINITELY planning to start Yoga - I have been talking about Yoga for over a year - my Commitment is to have been to at least 1 Yoga Class in the next 2 weeks.
I am also planning to be more serious about my diet - I have started buying Organic Fruit and Vegetables - and my preference is Vegetarian and even though I love Animals, I am now wanting a Baby and so I need to continue to educate myself on the best Choices for myself.
I Can't Wait to have a Baby. I Can't Wait!!! I am so Grateful that I have a Wonderful Man to share my life and I look forward to the day when we hold our Baby in our arms.
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