After being an Observer to my Yin and Yang and realising that I need to bring my Yang into power - Today is the day. I have decided that I want to be more Confident in building my Coaching Business - this MATTERS TO ME. Through the day I draw on my image of Yin and Yang in power - me in my power.
As my growth area is to strengthen my Yang, I also draw on my Yang images, the ones that I have chosen that represent my Yang. As I am Visual, I find it easy to see these images in my mind's eye.
First thing this morning I read my friend's Blog and I feel Inspired, it is a great way to start the day - I love reading that my friend is "really excited and inspired", that Kara refers to her life as being "amazing" and I love that Kara asks questions to her readers - "what is stopping you from living that life NOW? Why wait for the future?" - and I love this line "So live the life you want to live, NOW." It is a wonderful, must read Blog.
I then look at my emails and notice that I have a SPAM folder, that I have never checked before and I find this wonderful quote that was sent to me this morning -
“Time waits for no one, it just ticks away. Why then do we make our lives so much about saving or making time, why not just make it about having a great time?!!” Amir Zoghi -
"Slow down Kathryn, slow down. What are you really in a rush for? Does it really matter at the end of the day? How would you live if you knew that you only had a limited amount of time here? I’ll tell you, you would wake up to living every moment for what it is and for what it has to offer you. Well my dear, I have news for you, you are here for a limited amount of time. Did you forget that? Start living and stop waiting for the right time. The time is now, it has always been. The UNIVERSE"
"Slow down Kathryn, slow down. What are you really in a rush for? Does it really matter at the end of the day? How would you live if you knew that you only had a limited amount of time here? I’ll tell you, you would wake up to living every moment for what it is and for what it has to offer you. Well my dear, I have news for you, you are here for a limited amount of time. Did you forget that? Start living and stop waiting for the right time. The time is now, it has always been. The UNIVERSE"
Yes - what a great way to start my day - a wonderful Blog and now a great quote to get me Inspired. Last night at my Course we did an exercise of putting an anti-virus system around your own mind - it was a Meditation and I imagined a Yellow light radiating out. Anthony Robbins talks about having a guard to your mind to stop negative self-talk or anything negative from entering your thinking. This to me is so important and I am blessed that I am naturally a Positive person. And yet, I also believe that we all have the opportunity to read great stories or Blogs, to have great books or quotes on hand - even just have a quick look at a page of a book that is filled with Positive words and Inspiring quotes - anything that will help us be Motivated and Inspired for the day.
Today I was Inspired - Inspired To Go For It - it is time to bring my Yin and Yang into their maturity - to take ACTION. I meet with the Operations Manager and I tell him from my heart, with Passion and Energy, that I have started my Coaching Business and that I am experienced in Motivating Staff and would like to be more involved at work in helping Coach staff and run an Incentive Program and Motivational Sessions and utilise more of my Strengths and Coaching at work. My Yin is Passionate, My Yang is Confident and gives examples of ideas that may help staff SHINE at work. I am rapt when my Manager says that he has been thinking of how I can help in different areas at work - and when he gets back from work, we will have a meeting with the Owner of the Business. AWESOME, I AM Excited!!
Today at work I am also Confident when talking to other Staff about my Coaching Business - I show them my Flyers and I have a lady who says she will talk to her Husband about me Coaching her daughter - it is an Honour that she would consider me. I look at her directly, and speak from my heart - telling her how Passionate I am about Coaching, how much I love working with people to help them grow. I love that this lady from work offers me some ideas for promoting my Business in the local area. I love when people offer tips and ideas - wanting me to be Successful, as they believe in me I also love that this lady looks at my Flyer and says how much she likes it - that means so much - a kind word - the Gift of words are my favourite.
The power of my Yin-Yang is also coming into force in other areas of my life - helping me in my Communication with my Family - as we support and care for each other and work together for the Greater Good.
And then I get home and I love being home - my home with my Man. I am so Grateful that I am so in love. And I am so surprised when my Man walks in the door and greets me with a big bunch of Sunflowers - they are so beautiful - like they have been picked fresh from the garden - they are so beautiful.
And tonight we can relax together, enjoy some Thai home delivery (I love that my Man always orders Vegetarian dishes that I can enjoy) and some quality time together. I am so happy with myself - I am giving myself a pat on the back, celebrating the Wins of my day, where I gave my all and was Inspired To Go For It - I loved feeling the energy and force of what is possible when my Yin and Yang work together to Make A Difference. I am genuine in my desire to Spread The Yellow and I have a Commitment to make every day count.
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