I Love Words.
I Love to read Quotes or Words from a Book first thing in the morning - just taking a few minutes to pick a page of one of my Favourite Books by random (or so it seems). I love 'Goddess' by Toni Carmine Salerno - LOVE the images and LOVE the words. I choose a page - the words (and image) are perfect as always -
For it is in creation that you exist
In this world full of wonder
Through love and hatred
Joy and sadness
Laughter and tears
The unknown awaits you
Step into the void
With courage and strength
Allow your inner light to unfold
Like a budding rose
Searching for the sun
Go where love leads you
Keep your pockets full of dreams
And allow them to be your guide."
I Love Words. I Love these Words "The unknown awaits you Step into the void With courage and strength" - perfect for my day of going out into Community to build my Coaching Business.
I go outside to Exercise - and it feels great - I allow myself to enjoy Running for 10 minutes to the beach and then I enjoy Walking - it feels great to be alive. I spend some time enjoying housework when I get Home, so that my Man and I can put our energy into other Priorities this weekend.
I love being in my Coaching room - I love setting up my room and getting ready for Clients. I lay out my Angel Cards and pick two cards that speak to me
- Astara - "You deserve the best! Reach for the stars with your dreams and desires, and don't compromise"
- Archangel Ariel - "Prosperity - Your material needs are provided as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality"
I enjoy a Meditation, I really love just sinking in my chair and enjoying the quiet, the peace. I have a sense of me rolling down a hill and that I am like a ball of wool that becomes bigger and gathers momentum. In my Meditation, I also get a sense of a mirror and that it is most important how I see myself - that when I look in the mirror I have Self-Love.
I have a sense that Self-Care is very important to me - and that I must look after myself. I also see an image of me in Gunnamatta Bay - one of my favourite places - I am in the park and I am just relaxing, enjoying Nature. And then other people come to the park and relax in Nature. I have a sense that I should combine my love of Nature, Walking and Coaching - Inspiring Medicine Walks and then time for Reflection (WOW - I LOVE this insight).
In my Meditation I ask - "What can I do to move my business forward?" - the Word TRUST comes to me. My Meditation ends when I get a sense of the words "Do It Now", "Do It Now", "Do It Now". I am Inspired by these Words. So I ring a potential Client and I am Excited that he is interested and mid next week we are going to organise a time for next Friday. With Confidence (and my Yin and Yang in Commitment to work together) I walk (with no fear) into two of the doctor's clinics in Cronulla and make appointments for next week. I am so Passionate about helping people - THIS MATTERS TO ME - I am Delighted that I have times in their diary so that I can explain Coaching and that they can then refer people to me that may need Support and help to move forward in their life.
I also enjoy a trip to the library - wow - I had forgotten how great it is to visit a library. I follow my Intuition and I am guided towards a book 'Now Is The Time' by Patrick Lindsay. I read some great Quotes that really speak to me.
"Now Is The Time To...
Focus Your Energy
We are constantly faced with competing demands,
And easily distracted by the noise and the interruptions.
To be effective in our lives and work, we must focus.
We must decide on our priorities.
We must channel energy and attend to the task before us."
"Now Is The Time To...
Commit Yourself
Those who succeed set themselves apart by their commitment.
Most of us make an effort.
We prepare; we try; but then we hope.
If you really want to achieve something,
You must be prepared to stretch yourself.
You must distil your energy and focus all your efforts.
You must give of yourself."
"If you're not actively involved in getting what you want, you don't really want it."
"Now Is The Time To...
Show Your True Colours
If you believe passionately that something is right,
Fight for it with all your might.
Dig deep in your Soul and refuse to give ground.
Even when the odds seem overwhelming, keep fighting.
You'll be amazed how often persistence wins the day."
"Now Is The Time To...
Follow Your Heart
Never underestimate the power of your heart.
We are Passionate about someone, or something,
Few obstacles can defeat us,
Our hearts can inspire Greatness,
Sweep aside adversity,
Break new ground
And draw others along with us."
I Love Words. I Love Books. I am happy that I joined the library and borrowed two books that I was drawn to - 'Law of Attraction' and 'The Everything Self-Esteem Book' - books and information and Words that may help me in my work with Clients. While I have studied so much and love what I have studied, I love that I can constantly read and learn Self-Development books that will help me on my own Journey and in my walk with my Clients. While having lunch I flick through 'The Everything Self-Esteem Book' and there are three pieces of information / paragraphs/ Words that catch my Interest:
- "Research shows that people spend less than thirty hours over their entire lifetime thinking about and researching their career choices. If you begin work at twenty years of age, work forty hours per week, and retire at sixty-five, you will have worked 93,600 hours in a job that may not have been your Calling."
- "Your Uniqueness - If you try to place a value (worth) on your life based on other people, you are denying your uniqueness, your rareness. You are saying to yourself, 'It is of no importance to have qualities that belong exclusively to me. You are saying to yourself, I am not a miracle. I am not a marvel. I have no specific purpose for being here.' Think of the tragedy in those statements. Think about your life at this very moment. What is your miracle?"
- "Dr. Wright made the following statement: 'What you think about me is none of my business.' Let me give that to you again. 'What you think about me is none of my business.' Profound. When you think about Dr. Wright's statement, you realise just how brave that statement is and how much self-esteem one has to have to ever think it, much less say it out loud. He went on to discuss the fact that the students present did not know him as a private citizen, as a son, a brother, a partner, an uncle, or a friend. When you think about it, how many people know us in every capacity? Dr. Wright's statement is prophetic. He was right. Others' opinions of you are none of your business, because they don't really know you."
WOW. I Love Words - Words that Inspire. I am so glad that I am a Life Coach. I AM A LIFE COACH!! I Love saying these Words. Not from a position of Ego or Arrogance - instead from a position of loving what I do and being proud that I am making my dreams come true.
Written Words are wonderful - and I also love Words spoken from the heart. Tonight I am so Grateful that a Family Friend came out in the rain on a Friday night to fix our hot water system - and I kept telling him how Grateful I am - he is a really nice man - and his act of kindness has definitely Spread The Yellow to me. I am so Excited that I will be able to enjoy a hot bath tonight and read a book. I love reading in the bath. After reading so many Words from Self-Development books, I think tonight I will enjoy a chapter or two from a Love Story. I was saying today that I would like to enjoy more Fiction books - while I have about 5 Non-Fiction Books on the go - I do love a good Story - just a chance to relax.
Time to relax...
... Or so I thought - after I had already Published this Post - I ran my bath, all set for a hot bath and to my surprise the lovely hot water that first comes out of the pipes, very quickly becomes cold - oh no, the hot water is gone again. I boil water for a while and yet it does not boil fast enough to keep me warm. And I realise that this is not very relaxing. Just as I find myself getting disappointed, I find myself being Grateful that I have a Home, warm clothes, a heater and water - whereas I think of families living in Poverty who do not even have these basic needs being met. I am so fortunate.
I am so Grateful and so fortunate and yet I still have a disappointment that my Friday night is not going so well - especially since my Man is locked away trying to fix his computer and now the hot water system. I Love Words and yet right now we need some Silence and Distance - my Man is not very happy after working long hours all week. And now he tells me to watch the DVD on my own. And I am not very happy that he is not very happy and that we are spending the night apart, rather than relaxing together. After my bath, I put out a fresh towel for my Man and the towel that I first pick up is the Yellow towel I bought for him for Christmas with the words "My Mr Wonderful" - of course (despite my disappointment) my Man is My Mr Wonderful ...
I wish I could find the right Words to make my Man feel better - and yet I will just give him Space. And I am choosing right now to enjoy my night and enjoy a movie, relaxing on the couch...
I am so Grateful and so fortunate and yet I still have a disappointment that my Friday night is not going so well - especially since my Man is locked away trying to fix his computer and now the hot water system. I Love Words and yet right now we need some Silence and Distance - my Man is not very happy after working long hours all week. And now he tells me to watch the DVD on my own. And I am not very happy that he is not very happy and that we are spending the night apart, rather than relaxing together. After my bath, I put out a fresh towel for my Man and the towel that I first pick up is the Yellow towel I bought for him for Christmas with the words "My Mr Wonderful" - of course (despite my disappointment) my Man is My Mr Wonderful ...
I wish I could find the right Words to make my Man feel better - and yet I will just give him Space. And I am choosing right now to enjoy my night and enjoy a movie, relaxing on the couch...
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