Life Is Not Perfect. Today I feel like a fraud - I certainly don't feel Yellow - I certainly have no energy or motivation to go out into the world and Spread The Yellow (and when I read back over this sentence - I do not feel like a fraud - I just feel real).
We went to bed late - I am worried about my Family - and as I am stressed, this had a ripple effect and caused my Man and I to have a disagreement. Before we fell asleep we were Best Friends again and we went to bed saying all these nice words to each other, taking turns to shower each other with compliments. - it was so sweet - my Man would say a word and then I would say a word - it just went back and forth - "Sexy", "Spunky", "Princess", "Prince", "Queen", "King", "Goddess", "Handsome"... it was a wonderful way to fall asleep. I am eternally Grateful for my Man.
I woke up and I was so tired. I dreamt through the night - I can't remember what my dream was about - yet dreaming makes me feel tired. When I am conscious that I have been dreaming through the night, I wake up exhausted, almost like I have actually been on the adventure through the night. I was talking to the Manager at the Bookstore and she was telling me that she also dreams at night and that it is important to write down the dreams - she said that if we do not pay attention to the dream, it is like, not opening a letter that has been sent to us. I like this analogy. This morning I can't remember the exact details of the dream - although it is about my Family - and the real life emotions are the same. I have been told that the most important part of remembering the dream, is remembering the emotions (how did that make you feel?) rather than the story.
I didn't want to get up today. My throat hurts, my head hurts, my back hurts. Life Is Not Perfect. My Life Is Not Perfect. I could have actually stayed in bed all day - and I had this feeling, to my surprise, that I couldn't wait for the day to be over. I bring out my Cheerleader part of me and get out of bed to go Walking. I enjoy being out in the world - I just enjoy being out in the fresh air.
After a visit to the chemist and a bag of potions for my throat and headache, I walk home. I decide to stay home, and not go to work today. I make myself a Priority and choose my Health. Life Is Not Perfect and I am not feeling my usual 120% and yet I can still look at what is within my power and make a Choice.
Life Is Not Perfect - I just want to hang out on the couch. I even google Yellow flower images and Yellow images - and I love seeing Yellow.
And as I look at the images of Yellow flowers, I look over on the dining room table and see my Yellow roses - I am so Grateful that my Man buys me flowers.
I love sleeping for a couple of hours and hanging out on the couch is a treat - just a chance for Self-Care. I read a chapter 'Discovering Your Values' from my book 'Spiritual Business' by Kate Forster - "When you live with your Values, then you are on the right track. But how on earth can you live them if you have no idea what they are?" - I also like the quote "Too many Values and you are never sure what to grasp at when the winds of change are blowing." I also love the words "I believe that your own Values as a person, when they are brought into your own business, will make an exceptional company. It will be a 'self-realised' company. A company that understands what it is here to provide and is more successful as a result."
I love this book - it is making me think about my own Business - in a natural, flowing way, involving my Yin, rather than just being in a traditional Yang corporate style. I reread some of my notes about Values from our Coaching Textbook 'Co-Active Coaching' - some of the key sentences I like that help define Values are - "Values are who we are. Not who we would like to be, not who we think we should be, but who we are in our lives, right now... Our Values serve as a compass pointing out what it means to be true to oneself. When we honor our Values on a regular and consisent basis, life is good and fulfilling... Important life decisions are easier to make and outcomes are more fulfilling when the decisions are viewed through a matrix of well-understood personal Values."
I remember looking at Values at College - considering our own Values and also the Values of our Clients. Rather than looking at a long list of Values I loved the process of identifying Values by considering - Peak Moments In TIme, Suppressed Values ("looking at times when a Client was angry, frustrated, or upset") and "Must-Haves" ("look at what they must have in their lives"). I love the idea of having my Values in print - and also having Values that are both my Values for my Life and my Business. I find that my Journal, and artwork paper and coloured crayons are perfect for putting my Values on paper.
I love putting these words on paper - My Values. I will now put this sheet of paper up in our Study, next to my Vision Boards - so that I may see them on a daily basis. These are my Values for My Life and My Business.
Today's main feeling has been that Life Is Not Perfect and yet when I look at my Values, I see LOVE large and right in the centre - and I know that I am so blessed to be able to score this Value 10 out of 10.
Yes, Life Is Not Perfect, and sometimes, like today, I am going to feel less than 100% - and yet I can Honour myself and just have a day to myself - sleeping, relaxing, sitting on the couch watching a fun TV series. And I am Happy that today I was guided to relook at my Values. Health is a big one for me - and that is why I decided to stay home. I know that I could have gone to work and put on a Happy face and yet I am glad that I put my Health as a Priority - as now I feel ready to get back to work tomorrow and give my best - to Honour my Commitment of work, to strive for Achievement, to be in Celebration when I exceed my Targets.
I have listed 17 Values - there are a lot of Values on this list and yet they are all very important to me. There is the opportunity for me to look at a Values-Based Decision Matrix - make a list of Values in Priority and also Scale each Value, the degree to which I am honouring each Value - this is the type of work that would be beneficial to a Client. And yet, as I look at my List, I am so Aware that I do Honour my Values - today I just needed a day to Spread The Yellow to myself. And soon my Man will be home and he has offered to make us dinner - I am so Grateful that he is so capable and so natural and has such a huge capacity to Spread The Yellow to me - just the small things that Make A Difference.
And I hear a knock at the door - and I am Excited - our Organic Fruit and Vege Box has arrived. I love Mondays - did I just write this right - this morning I had Monday-itis - and yet now I feel so happy with this delivery.
I am also Delighted that I get to talk to the owner of the Business and tell her how much I love getting the Fruit and Vege Box and that I have been telling my friends about her Business. I ask her how long she has been in Business - Emma tells me that it has been 1 year. It was so great to talk to Emma about Business - Emma tells me that she has had such great results from being involved in the "Shine" Magazine - and that it is very affordable for each quarter and that I may be able to get an article written about me. I love the "Shine" Magazine - it is a wonderful magazine - this is how I found out about Shire Organics and now I am a raving fan. I may have just been given a Next Step from the Universe for my Business - yes, time to introduce myself to the Community - time to tell them that "I Am Here". Promoting my Business SHINE Coaching in the "Shine" Magazine is a perfect fit. I fill my fruit bowl with all the wonderful pieces of fresh, organic apples, oranges, bananas, kiwi fruit, nashi pears - yum!!! Life Is Perfect!!!
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