I am reading 'Soulcraft' by Bill Plotkin - I have heard that this book is life changing - I would agree. Each word is wonderful and yet I would like to include some paragraphs and sentences that speak to me, in terms of reflecting on Soul Purpose:
- "The individual Soul is the core of our human nature, the reason for which we were born, the essence of our specific life purpose, and ours alone. Yet our true nature is at first a mystery to our everyday mind. To recover our inmost secrets, we must venture into the inner/ outer wilderness, where we shall find our essential nature waiting for us."
- "By Soul I mean the vital, mysterious and wild core of our individual selves, an essence unique to each person, qualities found in layers of the self much deeper than our personalities. By Spirit I mean the single, great and eternal mystery that permeates and animates everything in the universe and yet transcends all. Ultimately, each Soul exists as an agent for Spirit."
- "Soul embraces and calls us toward what is most unique in us. Spirit encompasses and draws us toward what is most universal and shared."
- "The Soul is the sacred realm of our most heartfelt purposes, our unique meanings, and the ultimate significance of our individual lives. Soul holds the keys to our central lessons - and to the gifts that are ours and ours alone to carry to others."
- "As you delve into the mysteries of your Soul, you discover your core powers and learn to integrate them into your daily choices and actions."
- "Soul shows us how we, as individuals, are different (in a community-affirming way) from everybody else. Spirit shows us how we are no different from anything else, how we are one with all that exists. In relation to Spirit, everyone has the same lessons to learn; for example, compassion and loving-kindness toward all beings, as Buddhism teaches. Our relationship to Spirit makes possible the experience and expression of such universal transpersonal qualities as unconditional love, perennial wisdom, and healing power. In relation to Soul, we each have lessons and qualities as unique as our fingerprints."
- "Each of us is born with a treasure, an essence, a seed of quiescent potential, secreted for safekeeping in the centre of our being. This treasure, this personal quality, power, talent, or gift (or set of qualities), is ours to develop, embody, and offer to our communities through acts of service - our contributions to a more diverse, vital, and evolved world. Our personal destiny is to become that treasure through our actions."
I know that so many of the paragraphs and words sound the same - and yet I just love these words - I love this whole area of Soul Purpose.
After reading these great words in my book this morning, I enjoy a Meditation. I just love Meditation. I find it is a wonderful way to get in touch with my Yin, my Inner world. In my Meditation, I have a feeling of people in a line - 3 or more and they are in dark clothes, almost like a dark shadow is above and around them - and I reach into their being, into their heart and bring them to life - find the Yellow and light in them - and then they SHINE. This image warms my heart.
In my Meditation, I then have a sense of climbing down into the depths of my being, where at the very bottom of a well, there is my Yellow heart. When I reach my Yellow heart, it rises up, to the surface, just rising above the level of the grass. I love being with my Yellow heart, sitting with my Yellow heart. I see a visual in my mind's eye of me diving in the ocean, deep in the ocean and I find my Yellow heart, my treasure.
I also see a visual of me diving into the water with others - as they find their Soul Purpose - I give them space - and I witness them - they know I am there with them - they know that I am close - yet I give them space and freedom to explore. As we dive, we have oxygen, and yet we do not feel constricted by our gear.
In the Meditation, I also have a sense of the forming of community - of stick figures - 1 - then 1 + 1 - then 1 + 1 + 1 (1 invites another and then that 1 invites another) - the stick figures form a circle.
I also see an image of me sitting in my Coaching room with a Client - it is good seeing me sharing space with a Client. In the Meditation, there are some instructions for my Yang - a step that I can take this week to promote my business. I love Meditation. I love my Yin giving my Yang direction in the Next Steps to take - the ACTION towards my Vision.
I love in my Mediation that I see the image of me sending out thousands of Yellow bubbles - there are so many - I love sending out Yellow bubbles - wanting them to reach potential Clients.
As well as reading 'Soulcraft' this afternoon, I also enjoy reading my College notes on Vision and Purpose. After my Meditation, I am reminded of how much I want to work with Clients in their Quest to find their Soul Purpose and live their Vision.
Some of the key definitions that are important to understand for me and for my Coaching are:
- Values - Who I Am
- Purpose - An Expression of Who I Am- Vision - An Expression of My Sense of Purpose - What matters, what I want.
In terms of Purpose:
- What gives meaning?
- What’s your medicine?
- What’s your Gift?
- What are you here to experience?
- What is your Life Purpose?
In terms of VISION:
- What do you want to do with your Sense of Purpose
- What do you want to see for yourself and your world.
While Vision can change, Purpose is a consistent running theme - you could be anywhere and it would be the same - it is the experience you bring about consistently - if you weren't doing it or it was blocked or deleted you would feel lost/ sad/ unfulfilled - you can't help yourself from doing your Purpose.
I am blessed that just a couple of months ago I was able to get in touch with my Soul Purpose - Spread The Yellow. These words came to me, out of the blue, while on my way to College to study a Course on 'Vision and Purpose'. I then created a statement of 'From a Place of Love, Spread The Yellow To Serve (Others and Myself) To Make A Difference'.
An activity that we enjoyed during College - for the purpose of helping us get in touch with our Purpose - was to get feedback from the people who know us. We each had a cardboard hand with our name on it, and everyone in the Class took time to write heartfelt words about one another - asking questions of - what do you experience about me? This was such a special experience - the Gift of words mean so much. I treasure the words from my friends from College, when I read them again tonight, the words warm my heart:
- Yellow = Giving
- Pure sunshine radiant
- Energy and light and SO MUCH LOVE
- Just FABULOUS!! You do Spread The Yellow
- Energetically generous
- Bright
- Positive
- Playful childlike wonder
- Considerate, caring, enthusiastic, loving
- Exuberance
- Good intention
- Honest and genuine
- Lightness
- Energised and colourful as well as bright
- Unending light
- Alive.
I am so touched to receive such beautiful words.
In knowing my Soul Purpose, this has changed my life. I feel that every day is a Gift. I am also able to have a clear intention every day. By knowing my Soul Purpose this Awareness and Consciousness helps me in making decisions and taking action and working out my priorities.
I am very Excited to be a Life Coach and I look forward to working with my Clients to help them find their Uniqueness, their Greatness, their Light, their Soul Purpose. I feel very honoured to be a Life Coach.
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