Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Yin-Yang Project Review

On 11 April 2010 I set myself a Project:
1. To get to know the Union of Yin-Yang, feminine-masculine, these 2 Parts of myself - not as separate or competing entitites that abandon each other or isolate from one another - but that embrace each other, support each other, work together.  The Project I am setting myself is to understand the Union - the coming together in Love - getting to know the Love Story of my own Yin and Yang - my feminine and masculine
2. To bring these 2 Parts of myself together in birthing my dreams - loving and protecting the spark and yellow inside me - and then through their Union they are able to make it happen - by feeling into the creative tension between them - holding the creative tension.  Yin is in the magic and mystery and ease and flow of life - and Yang waits.  Yin will feel into her intuition and guidance and will have a knowing when it is the right time to act and will know the right action to take - and Yang who has been a rock, stable and strong and waiting will step into action - will move forward with power in a clear direction...

I am looking at my Project in relation to Bloom's Taxonomy and the 6 different levels of learning.

* Knowledge - I love that I have learnt about Yin and Yang
- Yin - Feminine, Spiritual, Intuitive, Feeling, Emotional, Heart, Internal Energy, Being, Goodness, Right Side of the Brain
- Yang - Masculine, Logical, Thinker, Organised, Analytical, Head, Physical, Doing, Strength, Left Side of the Brain
- The two parts of ourselves that are opposites
- Yin and Yang need each other for Balance, together they make the Whole

* Comprehension
- To comprehend this new knowledge, I have enjoyed spending time researching these two parts of myself, I love researching Yin and Yang and learning more - wanting to compare these two parts of myself and fully understand their role and their strengths - and how I can bring them into my life
- I love reading about the Masculine and Feminine Side (article by John and Micki Baumann), an article that is great at comparing the Yin and Yang - "The masculine side deals with the strength of the self... The thing that is most important in determining the strength of the masculine side, is the value that you, at a deep level, place on yourself... Placing a high value on yourself affects your whole being and helps you feel strong and confident in operating your life."
- I love this part - so in line with the Coaching Process - "You can build the masculine side through progress and small Wins, through positive reinforcement, by practicing, and by doing things and generally taking an active part in operating your life."
- I just love this article - I am learning a lot from reading this article - "If you have a strong masculine side, you are in charge of your own life because you are internally controlled.  You tend to look people in the eye.  You stand straight, and you usually command attention when you walk into a room, whether you say anything or not.  This happens because of the strength within.  If you have a weak masculine side, you also have a lot of doubts.  You doubt yourself, your abilities, your capability to do things.  Things intimidate you and you don't move forward well.  You are afraid to put yourself out there because you know you are going to fail, so you don't even try to accomplish things."
- "The masculine side also includes the ability to take risks when appropriate, to be decisive when necessary, and to focus or concentrate in order to get something done.  In addition, it includes being able to figure out how to accomplish things so you can get more of what you want out of life."
- "The feminine side is based on a value that you, at the same deep level, place on others... The value you place on others affects your whole being.  If you have a strong feminine side and place a high value on others, you are often giving and unselfish."
- I love this part as it talks about enthusiasm - "The feminine side also includes having enthusiasm and zest for life, and recognising what things are worth getting enthusiastic about... In addition, the feminine side also includes being kind, compassionate, patient, responsive to the needs of others, and it includes knowing how much energy you can put into each of these without hurting yourself by draining your own energy."
- I love Knowledge and Comprehension - and I find myself having a thirst for more information on Yin and Yang - and yet I also know that Applying this Knowledge is so important  

- I have been enjoying using this new knowledge - being an Observer/ Witness to myself and making Conscious Choices, using the power and force of Yin and Yang working together
- Looking back I have realised that after being made Redundant, I abandoned my Yang, wanting to let go of the business, corporate part of me - and live in Yin, loving the Spiritual, Emotional, Feminine, Intuitive part of me
- With this Project - I decided to bring Yin and Yang together - to use the strengths of both to bring my dream to life - starting my Coaching Business
- An example has been my Business  Card – my Yin was loving all the creation, loving getting my crayons and textas out and I kept sketching and sketching – but I needed to bring this Card to life – I needed to get my Yang into action – I needed to get organised, be clear and direct with a graphic designer and keep focused on what I wanted to reflect my Coaching Business.  My Yin and Yang worked together - my Yin looked at each design at a heart level, felt into the card at an Intuitive Level and then my Yang went into ACTION and gave feedback to the graphic designer.  By getting my Yang to work for my Yin, I now have printed Business Cards that I love

* Analysis
- I really don't like this word "Analysis" - shows I am naturally more Yin, than Yang
- Today seems like a perfect time for a Yin-Yang Project Review - an opportunity to see what is working and what is the future direction of this Project

- When I start out on this Journey I feel like I am in a Child Yin and Yang State/ Story - children getting to know each other - it is fun, it is exciting, there is no pressure, it is natural and flowing, it is day to day, spontaneous, no planning for the future - just being in the now
- My Child Yin and Yang Story - My Yin loves playing dolls, loves colour, loves imagination.  My Yin loves being outdoors, smelling the flowers - Yin follows her heart - she loves lady beetles, dogs and  cats.  Yin and Yang are childhood friends - they become best friends
- I watch 'My Girl' and I love watching the friendship between Vada and Thomas - Yang always there for his Yin
- And I love these cute images of children

- I look back on my own Childhood and love looking at photos of my own best friend

- And I love the photo below of myself and my Childhood Friend - with my Nana and Papa (I miss them)

- As I Reflect back on my journey over the last 5 weeks, I can see changes in my Yin and Yang - as I feel that I am becoming more familiar with their power 
- And yet I feel that this Yin and Yang Journey is still developing - I still need to bring them into their power
- I feel that I am in an Adolescent/ Teenager Yin and Yang Story
- My Yin has a teenage crush - she dreams about her Yang, the one she wishes is her boyfriend
- My Yin knows about her Yang, she dreams about her love in Science class, not particularly interested in Science, much preferring to write his name in coloured textas in her diary and colouring the margins in her exercise books
- Yin hangs out with her group of girlfriends - Yin loves being with her Yin friends
- And then in magical moments, Yin sees her Yang at a party or at a school disco where they dance and finally kiss
- Yin loves kissing her Yang
- My Adolescent Yin and Yang Story reminds me of the movie 'Sixteen Candles'

- What I loved about this show was that the main character Molly Ringwald had her own style and was happy to just be herself - in considering this realisation, it seems that the Yin character also had a well-developed Yang
- I look back on my photos when I was a teenager - here I am going to a disco - feeling very feminine, very Yin - definitely in search of Yang

My Yin-Yang Project Review highlights to me that I am still very strong in my Yin and that I am getting my Yang to work for me, in terms of bringing Projects to life - and yet I am mostly in Yin.

The key for me is to bring Yin and Yang into maturity - not just having them kissing at the school disco - but Consciously bringing them together everyday to move me towards my Vision for my Coaching Business.  My greatest desire is to Make A Difference and Spread The Yellow - it is time to create a new story - and bring my Goddess and Strong Man into their power - a strong union of LOVE and PASSION...

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