* Synthesis is a stage of Blooms's Taxonomy - a stage of learning - the next stage of learning for me in relation to Yin-Yang.
It is time for me to look at Yin-Yang Synthesis. Synthesis - compiling information together in a different way by combining Yin and Yang in a new pattern to form something new.
As I was wrote in my Blog yesterday - the key for me is to bring Yin and Yang into maturity - not just having them kissing at the school disco - but Consciously bringing them together everyday to move me towards my Vision for my Coaching Business. It is time to create a new story - and bring my Goddess and Strong Man into their power - a strong union of LOVE and PASSION...
When I look at Yin-Yang being a strong union of LOVE and PASSION - an image that came to me this morning in my Meditation was the scene from the movie "Shall We Dance" with Richard Gere and Jennifer Lopez - the Passion, the Connection - Yin giving her Yang instruction at first - and then Yang comes into his strength and they are in unison - this scene from the movie is electric. See the link - Wonderful, Wow! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bibtqDxXv1o
I feel so in touch with my Yin - maybe not so much as a Goddess - and yet I am so Inspired when I look at beautiful Goddess images.
I really love the following image of the Goddess - I almost feel like it is a picture of how I would like to be with my Yin-Yang Synthesis - a Goddess in her power, with her strength.
I feel like I need to bring my Yang into power. I am happy to let my Yin feel into the Next Step and let Yang know what needs to happen, and yet I have a sense that Yang could be a more powerful Resource in my life. I look at the Strengths of Yang, and in true Yang style, I make a list of areas that I would like to develop:
- Doing
- Being Organised
- The value I place on myself - my Confidence in myself, my abilities, my capability to do things
- Being in charge of my own life
- Looking people in the eye and commanding attention (whether I say anything or not, because of my strength within)
- Taking risks, not afraid to put myself out there
- Being Decisive
- Able to focus and concentrate in order to get something done.
When I think about Yang and a time when Yin-Yang has been in power - I think about the time my Mum was sick with a brain tumor and we received a bad diagnosis and I rang Dr. Teo's Office and convinced the Receptionist that I needed to see Dr. Teo - my Yang would not take "no" for an answer - I spoke from my heart (my Yin) and my Yang was Strong and Confident. We got the appointment and this changed our life - we thought my Mum would not go home from hospital and that this was the end - and yet my Mum was home by the weekend - just as Dr. Teo predicted - Dr. Teo saved my Mum's life. When I remember this series of events - I know it happened because of my love for my Mum - that this was a life and death situation - that this mattered SO MUCH to me.
And now I need to embrace this Strength of Yang as I bring my Coaching Business to life. I am so Passionate about Coaching - I love people - I am Passionate about helping people love their life. This matters SO MUCH to me. My Yin is inviting my Yang to dance.
As I imagine my Yang - these are the images that feel right to me - the Businessman Richard Gere from "Shall We Dance" + a Serious Muscle Man who has strength and is here to stay and means business + a Marathon Man who has endurance and Commitment and is my feet on the ground.
I love all these images - these bring my Yin-Yang Synthesis to life for me.
What I love about Coaching is that it is designed as an opportunity to learn new tools and techniques to help people in their life - tools and techniques that they can take away with them to apply for their own development as they move away from the Coaching relationship. I love that I can Coach myself. Tonight I am Grateful that I went to a NLP Course - where I have learnt some new techniques that I can apply in my own life and that will also be beneficial in my work with Clients. In the next few days I am going to practice some of these NLP techniques to help me in bringing my Yin-Yang into power.
I am also committed to building my Yang through celebrating my Wins and through positive reinforcement of myself.
What a wonderful Journey, I am on the right path and I feel that I am moving in the right direction.
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