The Goal for me is to look Beyond The Story. This is the Goal, when in Self-Reflection of my own life, and also in my relationships and in my Coaching.
I could tell the long Story of my day, and yet today I just want to focus on the Peak Moments or Angst Moments that highlight what may be important for my own learning.
This morning there were some Angst Moments, a time when I am tired and just waking up and somehow I go into a space of doubt about my relationship with my Man. I am not really in doubt about him, it is just me projecting my "stuff" onto our relationship - "stuff" from my past, fears for my future based on my past. What I love about my Man is that he loves me and I have never experienced such unconditional love. What I love about My Man is that he does not react to my doubt, he knows my "stuff" and we can talk openly and lovingly and we can be real. My Man is also very funny and I love that we can have a laugh together. I love my Man.
I am glad to finish work early today. I am feeling a sense of so much to do - I have College, and my Business and work and home. As I am prone to clutter, I have a sense that I need to get organised at home so that I can get my College and Business "to do lists" happening and then start to get things done.
This is not about me cleaning up the spare room or clearing out my wardrobe of clothes or clearing the clutter from the dining room table. Beyond The Story, this is about me bringing out the Yang in me, the Organiser, Doing Part of me - this is about me Consciously making Choices to focus on what is important to me. I bring my Yang Masculine image to my mind's eye for motivation.
I love that I focus and get our spare room cleared of my clutter. I feel that I need to develop a Resource in me that supports new behaviour in keeping clutter from accumulating in the living area and our spare room - I just have a lot of papers and books and clothes. I close my eyes and have the idea that everytime I put something down in a place where it doesn't belong I will get sense of "NOW" which will motivate me to put the piece of clothing or paperwork in a place that it does belong. I need my Richard to keep me ordered and organised.
I read about the Ruler/ Organiser Archetype - "The Ruler's job is to blend the other Sub-Personalities into a continuous expression. The Ruler makes the decisions to leave something and start a new (enacted by the Destroyer and the Creator). The Ruler decides who will do what in order to ensure the completion of the Goal in a timely manner." When I read about the Ruler Part within us, I get a sense of my Goddess In Power image - as if she is the one asking Richard for help to get organised. And yet I also feel that this Goddess In Power image is the Warrior part of me. Perhaps the Goddess In Power image is me when I am Centred and Grounded, where I am able to draw on other Parts of me, all the Parts within me, all my Strengths and Resources.
I read about the Ruler/ Organiser Archetype - "The Ruler's job is to blend the other Sub-Personalities into a continuous expression. The Ruler makes the decisions to leave something and start a new (enacted by the Destroyer and the Creator). The Ruler decides who will do what in order to ensure the completion of the Goal in a timely manner." When I read about the Ruler Part within us, I get a sense of my Goddess In Power image - as if she is the one asking Richard for help to get organised. And yet I also feel that this Goddess In Power image is the Warrior part of me. Perhaps the Goddess In Power image is me when I am Centred and Grounded, where I am able to draw on other Parts of me, all the Parts within me, all my Strengths and Resources.
Of most importance for me is to feel Beyond The Story - such as when I think about ringing my Mum or not ringing my Mum tonight, thinking that we are so close and I love speaking to my Mum, and sitting with feelings of fear about losing my Mum. And when I do call my Mum and Dad, I have a knowing of how much I enjoy speaking to my Parents - I love sharing our stories and I love having a sense of the emotions Beyond The Story.
Tonight I stick with my plan to not watch TV when I first get home. And I love when I put on the music and dance around the loungeroom. I love music and dancing. I feel my spirit come alive.
I love reading in the bath and love reading 'Soulcraft' tonight - it is such a wonderful book. Each word is filled with so much wisdom. I love reading about 'Sacred Speech and Silence' - "Unlike the heartfelt conversations of Council, we spend much of our time talking about trivial matters and practical ones - the weather, plans for the day, routine office events, frivolous gossip, the new movie, canned jokes, the latest shopping acquisition, the next technological miracle, stock market shifts. Chitchat, the everyday wins and losses. So little of our conversation addresses our passions, loves, emotions, dreams, or our creative insights and Soul stirrings."
I love reading in the bath and love reading 'Soulcraft' tonight - it is such a wonderful book. Each word is filled with so much wisdom. I love reading about 'Sacred Speech and Silence' - "Unlike the heartfelt conversations of Council, we spend much of our time talking about trivial matters and practical ones - the weather, plans for the day, routine office events, frivolous gossip, the new movie, canned jokes, the latest shopping acquisition, the next technological miracle, stock market shifts. Chitchat, the everyday wins and losses. So little of our conversation addresses our passions, loves, emotions, dreams, or our creative insights and Soul stirrings."
I love this book - "An effective strategy for tuning our awareness to the frequency of Soul is to minimise everyday conversation that separates us from the here and now and from what is truly meaningful... Few people ask the bigger questions. For the Wanderer, however, nothing is more important: she seeks the hidden treasure, the spring bubbling in the desert, the song of the world. Constant superficial conversation keeps us from noticing what's going on with us emotionally and spiritually or in our bodies."
I want to sharpen my Gift of being the Wanderer and engage in Sacred Speech - "Sacred Speech is conversation that deepens. It deepens relationship and enhances the fullness of our presence whenever we are and whomever we are with. It is dialogue centred in what exists here and now between us. We speak from the heart and address what truly matters - our feelings, imagery, dreams, life purpose, our relationships, soul stories, our discoveries of how we project aspects of self onto others or learn to withdraw those projections, and our meetings with remarkable humans, animals, plants, and places... There is no requirement that such conversation be solemn or hushed. The sacred is often funny as well. We laugh at our oh-so-human foibles and the jokes life plays on us every day. The more real our conversations become, the more alive we become, the more we want to scream or shout or cry."
Tomorrow I meet with my Coach and Friday I meet with my Client. As Client and as Coach, it is important for me to look Beyond The Story and be open and trusting of the magic and the mystery. I feel I need to go beyond the words and go deeper.
I am Grateful that I have been taught many Meditations and Active Imagination Techniques. Tonight I enjoy a 10 minute Meditation, practicing a new Technique that I learnt over the weekend of identifying an area of concern and getting in touch with Body, Feeling, Needs, Thoughts, Imagination, Intuition and Will. It is a wonderful Meditation. I am Excited to learn additional Meditations that can help me on my Journey and also help my Clients. I love the image below of a woman in Meditation, and to me the rising of the sun represents the new insights and awareness that can rise from our subconscious and unconscious, bringing in new awareness and offering new possibilities.
While I am spending much time in Self-Reflection (to support my Journey of Self-Development), it is of so much importance to me to be true to my Soul Purpose and Mission and Vision to Spread The Yellow. And tonight I remind myself of my Commitment to be present in the now and open to the opportunities to love and serve others...
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