Today I experienced the Power Of Coaching. Today I met with my Coach and it felt great to come into a new Awareness, which presents the opportunity for Transformation.
When I get home from my Appointment I feel very tired. There was a small temptation to turn to a magazine or the television or the phone - and yet I really want to sit with myself and my learning from my Coaching Session. I enjoy a Meditation and I have an image of all my Archetypes, the parts within me, all in Connection to each other, with hands on each others' shoulders - my Archetypes there for me and there for each other. I have a sense of all these Strengths and Resources within me. I look on Google images tonight and I cannot find the image that I am looking for, that would capture the image from my Meditation - and yet I find other images that also speak to me.
I enjoy time in Art Therapy to capture my learnings from my Coaching Session. I love getting out my crayons and textas and pencils and paper - there is no pressure here of me trying to be an artist or get something perfect.
Through the Power Of Coaching and me describing a Story from my life, my Coach was able to establish a Framework of the Upper World and then the Sub-Conscious and then the Unconscious. With Awareness I am able to make Choices to take the doorway and look at what is happening in my Sub-Conscious, the Fairytale in my life and then I can turn the key to open up to the Unconscious and the opportunities for Transformation. Hmm... it is interesting and life changing.
Through the Power Of Coaching, my Coach is able to offer a Reflection and a Sharing that helps me understand me and my different styles of Communication. It is interesting, rather than being in a place of Yang or trying to work out how I can be better in Communication, the Power Of Coaching has offered an incredible opportunity for new Awareness. My Coach offers that I can be in one energy when I am in Connection with her and then I can go into my Yin, where I am purely in the Story and the description and the Emotion and move into my own world - and at these times I move out of Connection with her. I have a sense of when this has happened in my life, this rings true for me. And I feel in these times I am in my Innocence, my Red Riding Hood, and this is when there is the potential for the Wolf in me and the Wolf in others to come onto the stage of my life. For me there is the opportunity to bring my Yin and Yang back into Balance rather than my Yin taking up all the Space.
I am Delighted to have a sense that I am mostly operating my life from a place that is Centred and Grounded. The Power of Coaching revealed for me that there are almost two distinct levels of being - where I can be just walking in the world in one Archetype or I can be Present and in Communion with all my Archetypes. I have seen so many examples from my own Journey where I am just operating from a place of one Archetype - such as Innocence or Lover or Warrior or Organiser and when I am in just one Archetype there are the Shadows of the Perfectionist and the Critic, and it is a world of black and white, light and dark. In this place of one Archetype I make mistakes, and often I am not open to my own mistakes or the mistakes of others. And yet I feel when I am Centred and Grounded I can draw on the different Archetypes to help me in my Communication and allow Connection with myself and with others. Wow, I am starting to really understand the Power of this work, and it is wonderful to be sitting in the shoes of a Client to once again experience the Power Of Coaching.
I also love my Coach's Metaphor of life like a Building and that there is a lift so that when there are triggers and I look back on times in my life, there is the opportunity to take my Resources of my different Archetypes with me to support me and Transform the past. I love this idea and believe that my Coaching Space will offer this opportunity.
It has been a big day of sitting in my own Awareness today. I am tired and Excited by the possibilities where I feel I have a greater sense of areas for my own Transformation. I love that my Teacher is offering us the opportunity to do our own Self-Reflection and our own work for Transformation so that as we walk with Clients on their Journey, we are also being true to our own Journey.
As I am learning more about Archetypes I am also being an Observer to them in my own life and I feel the Power of my Sage Archetype - "The Sage is quiet and stable and holds the quality of knowingness. A good Sub-Personality to draw on when feeling stressed and caught up in the flow of life. Hold onto the calm centred knowingness of the Sage and progress calmly, quietly and reliably through your Journey."
Today I was the Client - tomorrow I am the Coach. I feel that I am in a Centred and Grounded place and I am looking forward to meeting with my Client. And I am looking forward to continuing to be an Observer of my own Journey.
While today I spent a lot of time in my own Space - I was also happy to enjoy a walk and a talk and time with my Man. For me it is about being in the Balance of Connection with Self and the Connection with others and being open to my Intuition to guide me on my Journey and to be true to Self.
I am very Thankful and Grateful for my Coach today, I am Inspired by her Wisdom and Talent and for the opportunity to enjoy the Power Of Coaching.
I am also very Grateful to my Man for his love and acceptance and appreciation of me - and to him for naturally being more than okay that I need my own time and my own Space for my own Self-Discovery and Transformation. He is Home to me and I am a Woman in love!!
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