I am loving some of the Yang, Structured Processes that can be used for Coaching Clients and which I am using for College and as an opportunity to Channel My Energy.
After looking at my Ideal Scene in 5 years and then looking at my current Wheel Of Life - the next Process is the Energy Leaks Inventory. As written in my College notes "Your energy is one of your most precious resources. It's time to look at where it is all going... Anything that we find ourselves 'tolerating', whether we are doing so consciously or unconsciously (such as through habit), drains our energy system. This is a simple yet powerful concept. 'Energy Leaks' is both an internal and external matter. Whilst we ultimately hold responsibility for how we respond (or react) to life, we can also call upon our empowerment to change external factors and thereby plug up these holes in our system. For example, every time we look at an in-tray of papers that need to be dealt with, we actually lose energy on the thought itself. The 'Oh-no, I haven't done that yet' is an Energy Leak in our system."
After looking at my Ideal Scene in 5 years and then looking at my current Wheel Of Life - the next Process is the Energy Leaks Inventory. As written in my College notes "Your energy is one of your most precious resources. It's time to look at where it is all going... Anything that we find ourselves 'tolerating', whether we are doing so consciously or unconsciously (such as through habit), drains our energy system. This is a simple yet powerful concept. 'Energy Leaks' is both an internal and external matter. Whilst we ultimately hold responsibility for how we respond (or react) to life, we can also call upon our empowerment to change external factors and thereby plug up these holes in our system. For example, every time we look at an in-tray of papers that need to be dealt with, we actually lose energy on the thought itself. The 'Oh-no, I haven't done that yet' is an Energy Leak in our system."
Reading the "Oh-no, I haven't done that yet" resonates with me and I realise that this very internal feeling is definitely an Energy Leak for me time and time again. I have been enjoying being more Yin than Yang since February this year and I have a more Yin Preference - and so I wanting to bring more Yang, more ACTION, more doing into my life. I love the Energy Leaks Inventory as it gives me a list of Possible Energy Leaks and then I can list a Possible Solution or ACTION.
My Goal or Vision for myself is to feel a sense of Vitality and Freedom where I am Consciously Choosing how to Channel My Energy.
I love this Process where I identify my Energy Leaks and Potential Solutions, including (and not limited to):
- Sometimes a sense of worry or stress - SOLUTION - Meditate 15-30 minutes/ day
- Lack of focus, concentration or organisation - SOLUTION - Better use of my diary to get organised
- Unhappy with appearance - SOLUTION - Grow my hair, review my wardrobe AND acceptance of me
- Lacking sense of spiritual path - SOLUTION - Meditate 15-30 minutes/ day + Pray + be involved in Church Community
- Lacking sense of, or time for, fun - SOLUTION - Make more time for fun on a daily and weekly basis
- I miss being part of a Community that supports growth - SOLUTION - Be more involved in Bookstore Community, Church Community and Local Community
- Lack of energy - SOLUTION - Walk at least 4 times/ week
- Unhealthy, unbalanced diet - SOLUTION - More time creating healthy recipes + no sweets Monday-Thursday
- Chronic pain or health condition - neck and back pain - SOLUTION - Commitment to Yoga 1-2 times/ week
- Too long since dental visit - SOLUTION - Book appointment to see the Specialist
- Particular health concern not yet addressed - neck and back pain - SOLUTION - Book a massage
Friendships and Social Life
- Not enough contact with friends I value - SOLUTION - Organise monthly get togethers - movies, walks, tea and chat
- Unfinished Business - SOLUTION - Meditation and writing to let go of any ties to the past
- Lacking a loving and supportive Community - SOLUTION - Be involved in Church Community
- Not enough quality time with partner - SOLUTION - Time on a daily basis, rituals to Connect + weekly outing/ walk together
- Family life feels heavy, obligatory or strained - SOLUTION - Not take on Family worry - love and support and trust my Family to take care of their own lives and focus on my own Journey
- Home is cluttered and disorganised - SOLUTION - Need to spend time on a weekly basis to be organised in home - chunk it down, area by area - free up space and organise
- Garage - SOLUTION - Learn to sell by ebay, sell by ebay + organise Garage Sale
- Working in wrong field - Monday-Wednesday - SOLUTION - Give my best at work and be open to other opportunities + build my Coaching Business which is my lifework
- Spend more than I earn - SOLUTION - Need to earn more - work an extra day where there is the opportunity + build my Coaching Business + live to my Budget
- Credit Rating - SOLUTION - Review Credit Rating and ensure all of the correct details
- Need an up-to-date will - SOLUTION - Organise a will within the next 6 months
- Feeling worried about money - SOLUTION - Stick to a Budget + Channel My Energy into building my Business
- Superannuation unorganised - SOLUTION - Review all Plans and organise.
After completing this Activity, I then move to the 'Tackling Procrastinations' Worksheet.
I list down 5 things I have been Procrastinating about which are 5 of the Items from the above listing including: Yoga, Meditation, Ebay, Garage Sale + Superannuation. I then rank their importance and also add in a date Commitment. From a Procrastination List, I now have Specific and Measurable Goals - that are definitely Achievable. And I feel Inspired to honour these Commitments.
I am also going to continually work on all of the SOLUTIONS of the Energy Leaks in my Life. I am Committed to being the best I can be on a Personal Level, so that this will allow me to Channel My Energy into being the best Coach that I can be for my Clients. By understanding the effectiveness of these Processes, they also offer the opportunity to be excellent tools for my Clients to help them on their Journey.
I am happy that I am making my Health a Priority - where I have been concerned that I ranked this at a 2 on my Wheel Of Life in terms of Satisfaction with this Area in my life. Now that I am Walking more and as I have started Yoga, these are positive steps in the right direction.
In my Brochure I ask 'Do You Love Your Life?' and state 'SHINE Coaching Can Help You Put Your Dreams Into Action'. And for me I also Choose to Honour these words and Channel My Energy to put my Dreams Into Action. And even if I am not living my Ideal Scene, where I do not have a 10 out of 10 for every Area of my Life, I can Honestly and Openly say that I do Love My Life. I am Grateful. I am Blessed. I am Loved. I have Joy. I have Choices. Thank you God. Thank you Universe.
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