Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Organiser In Me

As part of my Preparation for my College Course of 'Life Quality and Design' I have been working through the Structured Processes of: The Ideal Scene, Wheel Of Life, Energy Leaks Inventory, Procrastinations Task Completion Sheet - and now time to look at Adrenaline.   

Reading about Adrenaline from an excerpt from 'Take Time For Your Life' by Cheryl Richardson is helpful.  "Various types of fuel give us energy needed to take action.  Some fuels are better than others.  For example, energy that comes from exercise, nutritious food, and the love and support of great people fuels you and supports your long-term health in a positive way.  Other energy sources such as adrenaline, caffeine, sugar, and anxiety may fuel you in intense bursts but ultimately put your health at risk." 

"Adrenaline is produced by the adrenal gland which regulates the body's fight-or-flight response to stimulating experiences.  These experiences can be positive and negative.  When you're late for an appointment and you hit a traffic jam, the rush of anxiety you feel sitting in the car is adrenaline.  When the deal you've been working on finally comes through, the excitement you feel also comes from adrenaline.  Adrenaline isn't bad, but when we develop habits like constantly running late or juggling too many projects at once, it gets us into trouble."

I take the Adrenaline test to see if this is fuelling me, by answering the following questions:
- Do you constantly overcommit yourself personally and professionally?  NO
- Do you double-book social engagements?  NO
- Are you usually late for appointments?  NO more than YES (I have been Consciously working on this to Honour others by Honouring appointments)
- Do you repeatedly check your voicemail or email throughout the day? Voicemail NO Email YES
- Is your schedule so full that there's no time left for you?  NO
- Do you feel lost without your beeper, cell phone, or laptop?  NO (Not anymore)
- Do you put things off to the last minute or use tight deadlines to get things done?  NO
- Do you find yourself in frequent conflicts with others?  NO
- Do you usually speed when driving?  NO
- Does it seem like your car's fuel gauge is always on or near empty?  YES
- Do you hate to stop and ask for or read directions?  NO
- Do you live on the edge financially?  NO
- Do you always feel pressed for time?  NO
- Do you put off making decisions or taking action in spite of the anxiety it causes?  NO
- Does the thought of being bored make you nervous and uncomfortable?  NO
- If the phone rings as you're heading out the door, do you answer it anyway?  NO
- Do you wake in the middle of the night with your thoughts racing, unable to sleep?  NO
- Do you juggle several projects at once?  NO
- Are you constantly coming up with new ideas to pursue? NO
- Do you often forget to follow through on commitments?  NO

I read that if I answered 'YES' to five or more questions, this would mean that I am running on adrenaline.  "These behaviours generate the constant hum of anxiety, and this anxiety pumps adrenaline into your body."

It comes as no surprise to me that I am not running on adrenaline - and I am still glad to review the questions.  It is a helpful guide for me and my Coaching Clients.  Since I was made redundant in February 2010, I have Consciously made Choices to allow Space in my life.  As a result I feel a lot more relaxed and peaceful.

This is the second time that I have read these notes, and an area that does resonate with me, and has triggered new Awareness and Behaviour is - "Start arriving fifteen minutes early for every appointment you make.  This one action can have a dramatic impact on the adrenaline cycle... you're able to arrive early and relax beforehand.  Give yourself room to breathe."  This is the only time when I feel that rush of anxiety, when I am rushing for appointments.  And I am now Conscious of Honouring the time of others by making sure that I am on time for appointments.  And I am also planning to bring into habit the practice of being fifteen minutes early for appointments.    

Apart from my rush to appointments, I do feel relaxed.  And while I have allowed the Space and have been enjoying more Space, I now feel that it is time to bring in more of the Yang Organised and Planned Part of me.  I feel I have some big Goals and I need to be doing more.  This is not to suggest that I want to be running on adrenaline - this Activity has helped highlight to me what I do not want to change.  It also highlights to me how much I have changed over the years - I remember the time when I couldn't get to sleep since I had so many thoughts racing through my head and when I used to have so many Commitments that I was so stressed and anxious.  Hmm... I am definitely enjoying being in a more relaxed and peaceful state.

As I have been studying and learning about Archetypes I am now trying to get to know The Organiser In Me.  I am wanting to create order, take full responsibility and be a leader of my life and enjoy Success of my Goals.  

I read that the Role of the Ruler/ Organiser is "to blend the other Sub-Personalities into a continuous expression.  The Ruler/ Organiser makes the decisions to leave something and start a new (enacted by the Destroyer and the Creator).  The Organiser decides who will do what in order to ensure the completion of the Goal in a timely manner."

I really want to embrace The Organiser In Me.  I have a sense that if I make better use of my diary and make lists and try to take Steps every day towards my Goals, then this will serve me well.  I know that I need to bring in more of my Yang and yet I do not want to be too Planned or Ordered or Controlled or take up all of the Space with a tight schedule.  I still want to allow my Intuitive Yin to guide me.  

I am wanting The Organiser In Me to help me with my Business, and also to continue being more Organised at home.  I also want The Organiser In Me to make sure I am making time for Meditation, Yoga, Walking, eating right - so that I am getting the best kind of energy that will support my health in a positive way.

I enjoy reading in 'The Dark Side Of The Light Chasers' by Debbie Ford "There is nothing wrong with faith.  There is nothing wrong with affirmations.  But at some point you must take the Next Step.  Make a Commitment to have what you want in life and then make a plan to get it.  It's there waiting for you but most likely it won't fall into your lap.  If you want to know whether you're serious about changing something in your life, ask yourself if you have a plan of ACTION.  If the answer is no, go back and see if you're really committed to achieving your Goal.  A plan of ACTION ought to be written down on paper.  If it's only in your mind it may be more of a Dream than a plan.  Plans in our minds tend to get lost or forgotten, or pushed aside by everyday life.  Tell yourself you'll have more of a chance of achieving your Goal if you have it written down and keep it at hand."

It is time for The Organiser In Me to get my Creator Archetype and Sage Archetype together and start writing down my ACTION Plans.

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